The Linux \Index{kernel} is the shift manager of the operating system; it is responsible for allocating memory and processor time. It can also be thought of as the program which mangages any and all programs on the computer itself.
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\marginnote{While modern graphical \glspl{desktop environment} have generally replaced early command-line interfaces, the command line can still be a quick and efficient way of performing many tasks. See \chaplink{ch:command-line} for more information, and \chaplink{ch:the-ubuntu-desktop} to learn more about \gls{GNOME} and other desktop environments.} Linux was designed from the ground up with security and hardware compatibility in mind, and is currently one of the most popular \Index{Unix}-based operating systems. One of the benefits of Linux is that it is incredibly flexible and can be configured to run on almost any device\dash from the smallest micro-computers and cellphones to larger super-computers. \Index{Unix} was entirely command line--based until graphical user interfaces (\glspl{GUI}) began to emerge in the early 1990s.
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\marginnote{A \emph{desktop environment} is a sophisticated and integrated user interface that provides the basis for humans to interact with a computer using a monitor, keyboard and a mouse.} These early \acronym{GUI}s were difficult to configure and clunky at best, and generally only used by seasoned computer programmers. In the past decade, however, graphical user interfaces have come a long way in terms of usability, reliability, and appearance. Ubuntu is just one of many different Linux \emph{distributions}, \marginnote{To learn more about Linux distributions, see \chaplink{ch:learning-more}.} and uses one of the more popular graphical desktop environments called \acronym{GNOME}.
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\marginnote{En \emph{skrivbordsmiljö} är det gränssnitt där användaren interagerar med datorn med hjälp av en skärm, tangentbord och mus.} De första \acronym{GUI} var svåra att arbeta med och användes främst av vana datorprogrammerare. Under det senaste decenniet har dock de grafiska gränssnitten utvecklats när det gäller användbarhet, pålitlighet och utseende. Ubuntu är en av flera Linux\emph{distributioner}, \marginnote{För att lära dig mer om Linuxdistributioner, se \chaplink{ch:learning-more}.} och använder en av de mest populära skrivbordsmiljöerna, \acronym{GNOME}.
Translated and reviewed by
Fia Schütz
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Fia Schütz
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Is Ubuntu right for you?
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Är Ubuntu rätt för dig?
Translated by
Erik Piehl Sylvén
Reviewed by
Andreas Nilsson
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New users to Ubuntu may find that it takes some time to feel comfortable when trying a new operating system. You will no doubt notice many similarities to both Microsoft Windows and Mac \acronym{OS~X}, as well as some differences. Users coming from Mac \acronym{OS~X} are more likely to notice similarities due to the fact that both Mac \acronym{OS~X} and Ubuntu originated from \Index{Unix}.
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\marginnote{A popular forum for Ubuntu discussion and support is the \Index{Ubuntu Forums}, \url{http://ubuntuforums.org}.} Before you decide whether or not Ubuntu is right for you, we suggest giving yourself some time to grow accustomed to the way things are done in Ubuntu. You should expect to find that some things are different from what you are used to. We also suggest taking the following into account:
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\marginnote{Ett populärt forum för Ubuntudiskussion och -support är \Index{Ubuntu Forums}, \url{http://ubuntuforums.org}.} Innan du bestämmer om Ubuntu är rätt eller inte för dig, föreslår vi att du ägnar dig lite tid åt att vänja dig vid hur saker görs i Ubuntu. Du kan förvänta dig att vissa saker är annorlunda mot vad du är van vid. Vi ber dig även tänka på följande:
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Fia Schütz
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\textbf{Ubuntu is community based.} That is, Ubuntu is made, developed, and maintained by the community. Because of this, support is probably not available at your local computer store. Fortunately, the Ubuntu community is here to help. There are many articles, guides, and manuals available, as well as users on various Internet forums and Internet Relay Chat (\acronym{IRC}) rooms that are willing to help out beginners. Additionally, near the end of this guide, we include a troubleshooting chapter: \chaplink{ch:troubleshooting}.
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\textbf{Many applications designed for Microsoft Windows or Mac \acronym{OS~X} will not run on Ubuntu.} For the vast majority of everyday computing tasks, there are suitable alternative applications available in Ubuntu. However, many professional applications (such as the Adobe Creative Suite) are not developed to work with Ubuntu. \marginnote{To learn more about \gls{dual-booting} (running Ubuntu side-by-side with another operating system), see \chaplink{ch:installation}. For more information on Wine, go to \url{http://www.winehq.org/}.} If you rely on commercial software that is not compatible with Ubuntu, yet still want to give Ubuntu a try, you may want to consider \gls{dual-booting}. Alternatively, some applications developed for Windows will work in Ubuntu with a program called \application{Wine}.
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\textbf{Many commercial games will not run on Ubuntu.} If you are a heavy gamer, then Ubuntu may not be for you. Game developers usually design games for the largest market, which leads to larger profits. Since Ubuntu's market share is not as substantial as Microsoft's Windows or Apple's Mac \acronym{OS~X}, most game developers will not allocate resources towards making their games compatible with Ubuntu. If you just like to play a game every now and then, there is active game development within the community, and many high quality games can be easily installed through \application{Ubuntu Software Center}. \marginnote{See \chaplink{ch:software-management} to learn more about \application{Ubuntu Software Center}.} Additionally, some games developed for Windows will also work in Ubuntu with \application{Wine}.
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\textbf{Många komersiella spel kan inte användas med Ubuntu.} Om du spelar mycket kanske Ubuntu inte är något för dig. Spelutvecklare utvecklar vanligtvis spelen för den största marknaden, då det ger större vinster. Då Ubuntus marknadsandel inte är lika stor som Microsofts Windows eller Apples Mac \acronym{OS~X}, kommer de flesta utvecklare inte lägga resurser på att göra deras spel kompatibla med Ubuntu.
Om du bara vill spela något då och då så utvecklas det även spel i gemenskapen och många spel med hög kvalitet kan enkelt installeras via \application{Ubuntu Software Center}. \marginnote{Se \chaplink{ch:software-management} för att lära dig mer om\application{Ubuntu Software Center}.} Vissa spel utvecklade för Windows kan fungera i Ubuntu med \application{Wine}.
Translated and reviewed by
Fia Schütz
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