type: colophon
(no translation yet)
Located in
This book was typeset with \XeLaTeX.
type: colophon
Den här boken typsattes med \XeLaTeX.
Translated and reviewed by
Stefan Lunderius
Located in
The book design is based on the Tufte-\LaTeX{} document classes available at \url{http://code.google.com/p/tufte-latex/}.
type: colophon
Bokens design är baserad på Tufte-\LaTeX{}-dokumentklasser tillgängliga på \url{http://code.google.com/p/tufte-latex/}.
Translated by
Stefan Lunderius
Reviewed by
Stefan Lunderius
Located in
The text face is Linux Libertine, designed by Philipp H. Poll. It is an open font available at \url{http://linuxlibertine.sf.net/}.
type: colophon
Typsnittet är Linux Libertine, designat av Philipp H. Poll. Det är ett öppet typsnitt tillgänglig på \url{http://linuxlibertine.sf.net/}.
Translated and reviewed by
Stefan Lunderius
Located in
The captions and margin notes are set in Linux Biolinum, also designed by Philipp H. Poll and available at the same \acronym{URL} above.
type: fullwidth
Bildtexterna och marginalanteckningarna är typsatta med Linux Biolinum, även dessa är designade av Philipp H. Poll och finns tillgängliga på samma \acronym{URL} ovan.
Translated by
Stefan Lunderius
Reviewed by
Stefan Lunderius
Located in
The terminal text and keystrokes are set in Bera Mono, originally developed by Bitstream, Inc. as Bitstream Vera.
type: fullwidth
Terminaltexten och tangentkombinationer är typsatta med Bera Mono, ursprungligen utvecklat av Bitstream Inc. som Bitstream Vera.
Translated and reviewed by
Stefan Lunderius
Located in
The screenshots were captured using Quickshot, available at \url{http://ubuntu-manual.org/quickshot}.
type: fullwidth
Skärmbilderna fångades med Quickshot, tillgängligt på \url{http://ubuntu-manual.org/quickshot}.
Translated by
Stefan Lunderius
Reviewed by
Stefan Lunderius
Located in
The cover and title page pictograms contain shapes taken from the Humanity icon set, available at \url{https://launchpad.net/humanity}.
type: colophon
Omslagets och titelsidans piktogram innehåller former tagna från ikonsamlingen Humanity, tillgängligt på \url{https://launchpad.net/humanity}.
Translated and reviewed by
Stefan Lunderius
Located in
The title page and cover were designed using Inkscape, available at \url{http://inkscape.org/}.
type: colophon
Titelsidan och framsidan designades med hjälp av Inkscape, tillgänglig på \url{http://inkscape.org/}.
Translated and reviewed by
Stefan Lunderius
Located in