type: colophon
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This book was typeset with \XeLaTeX.
type: colophon
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The book design is based on the Tufte-\LaTeX{} document classes available at \url{http://code.google.com/p/tufte-latex/}.
type: colophon
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The text face is Linux Libertine, designed by Philipp H. Poll. It is an open font available at \url{http://linuxlibertine.sf.net/}.
type: colophon
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The captions and margin notes are set in Linux Biolinum, also designed by Philipp H. Poll and available at the same \acronym{URL} above.
type: fullwidth
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The terminal text and keystrokes are set in Bera Mono, originally developed by Bitstream, Inc. as Bitstream Vera.
type: fullwidth
Terminal allanneri naqinnerilu aaqqinneqarsimapput Bean Mono atorlungu. Sananeqarsimallutillu suliarineqarsimapput Bitstream, Ins. Bitstrem Vera - mik akisussaasuulluni
Translated and reviewed by
Nukartaannguaq Lundblad
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The screenshots were captured using Quickshot, available at \url{http://ubuntu-manual.org/quickshot}.
type: fullwidth
Assilisaq Quickshot atorlungu assilisaavoq, uani aaneqarsinnaavoq \url{http://ubuntu-manual.org/quickshot}.
Translated and reviewed by
Nukartaannguaq Lundblad
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The cover and title page pictograms contain shapes taken from the Humanity icon set, available at \url{https://launchpad.net/humanity}.
type: colophon
(no translation yet)
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The title page and cover were designed using Inkscape, available at \url{http://inkscape.org/}.
type: colophon
Qulequtaa sananeqarnera ilusilersorneqarneralu Inkscape atorlungu sanaajuvoq, uani aaneqarsinnaavoq \url{http://inkscape.org/}.
Translated and reviewed by
Nukartaannguaq Lundblad
Located in