Resize the screenshots using the same scale. To calculate the scale value, we feed in the widest screenshot.
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Fran Diéguez
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type: hyphenation{#1}
Translated and reviewed by
Fran Diéguez
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\newglossaryentry{applet}{name={applet}, description={An applet is a small program that runs in a \gls{panel}. Applets provide useful functions such as starting a program, viewing the time, or accessing the main menu.}}
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\newglossaryentry{applet}{name={miniaplicativo}, plural={miniaplicativos}, description={Un miniaplicativo é un programa pequeno que se executa no \gls{panel}. Os miniaplicativos fornecen funcionalidades moi útiles como iniciar un programa, ver a data e hora ou acceder ao menú principal.}}
Translated by
Fran Diéguez
Reviewed by
Fran Diéguez
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\newglossaryentry{Access Point}{name={Access Point}, description={An Access Point is a devices that allows for a wireless connection to a wireless network using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.}}
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\newglossaryentry{Access Point}{name={Punto de acceso}, description={Un punto de acceso é un dispositivo que fai posíbel a conexión dunha rede inarámica a outra usando Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.}}
Translated and reviewed by
Fran Diéguez
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\newglossaryentry{Canonical}{name={Canonical}, description={Canonical, the financial backer of Ubuntu, provides support for the core Ubuntu system. It has over 310 paid staff members worldwide who ensure that the foundation of the operating system is stable, as well as checking all the work submitted by volunteer contributors. To learn more about Canonical, go to \url{http://www.canonical.com}.}}
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\newglossaryentry{Canonical}{name={Canonical},description={Canonical, o apoio financeiro de Ubuntu, fornece asistencia para o sistema base de Ubuntu. Ten máis de 310 membros de cadro en todo o mundo que garanten que os fundamentos do sistema operativo son estábeis, así como validan todo o traballo enviado polos voluntarios. Para saber máis sobre Canonical, visite \url{http://www.canonical.com}.}}
Translated by
Fran Diéguez
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\newglossaryentry{cursor}{name={cursor}, description={The blinking cursor that appears after the \gls{prompt} in the \gls{terminal} is used to show you where text will appear when you start typing. You can move it around with arrow keys on your keyboard.}}
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\newglossaryentry{cursor}{name={cursor}, description={O cursor titilando que aparece despois do \gls{prompt} no \gls{terminal} úsase para mostrarlle onde se mostrará o texto cando comece a escribir. Vostede pode moverse coas teclas de frecha no seu teclado.}}
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\newglossaryentry{decrypted}{name={decrypted}, description={When you decrypt an encrypted file it becomes \gls{decrypted}, and viewable. Encrypted files on Ubuntu are not recognizable in any language, they are just a string of random numbers and letters until they are \gls{decrypted} using a password.}}
/ Needs update/rewriting. Update to "Encryption" -MarioB
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\newglossaryentry{decrypted}{name={descifrado}, description={Cando descifra un ficheiro cifrado convírtese en \gls{decrypted} e visíbel. Os ficheiros cifrados en Ubuntu non son recoñecíbeis en ningún idioma, son só unha cadea de números aleatorios e letras até que sexan \gls{decrypted} usando un contrasinal.}}
Translated and reviewed by
Fran Diéguez
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\newglossaryentry{desktop environment}{name={desktop environment}, description={A generic term to describe a \acronym{GUI} interface for humans to interact with computers. There are many desktop environments such as \acronym{GNOME}, \acronym{KDE}, \acronym{XFCE} and \acronym{LXDE} just to name a few.}}
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\newglossaryentry{desktop environment}{name={contorno de escritorio}, description={Un término genérico para describir unha interface \acronym{GUI} para que os humanos interactúen cos sistemas. Hai moitos contornos de escritorios como \acronym{GNOME}, \acronym{KDE}, \acronym{XFCE} e \acronym{LXDE} por nomear algúns.}}
Translated and reviewed by
Fran Diéguez
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\newglossaryentry{DHCP}{name={\acronym{DHCP}}, description={\acronym{DHCP} stands for \emph{Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol}, it is used by a \acronym{DHCP} \gls{server} to assign computers on a network an \acronym{IP} address automatically.}}
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\newglossaryentry{DHCP}{name={\acronym{DHCP}}, description={\acronym{DHCP} significa \emph{Protocolo de configuración dinámica de \gls{host}}, úsao un \gls{server} \acronym{DHCP} para asignar a un equipo un enderezo de rede \acronym{IP} automaticamente.}}
Translated and reviewed by
Fran Diéguez
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\newglossaryentry{dialup connection}{name={dialup connection}, description={A dialup connection is when your computer uses a modem to connect to an \gls{ISP} through your telephone line.}}
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\newglossaryentry{dialup connection}{name={conexión telefónica}, plural={conexións telefónicas}, description={Unha conexión telefónica é cando o seu computador usa un módem para conectarse a un \gls{ISP} mediante a súa liña telefónica.}}
Translated by
Fran Diéguez
Reviewed by
Fran Diéguez
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