\newglossaryentry{dialup connection}{name={dialup connection}, description={A dialup connection is when your computer uses a modem to connect to an \gls{ISP} through your telephone line.}}
type: Plain text
\newglossaryentry{dialup connection}{name={vytáčené připojení}, description={Vytáčené připojení používáte, pokud se k Internetu připojujete přes modem a telefonní linku.}}
Translated and reviewed by
Tomáš Velecký
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\newglossaryentry{distribution}{name={distribution}, description={A \gls{distribution} is a collection of software that is already compiled and configured ready to be installed. Ubuntu is an example of a distribution.}}
type: Plain text
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\newglossaryentry{dual-booting}{name={dual-booting}, description={\gls{dual-booting} is the process of being able to choose one of two different operating systems currently installed on a computer from the boot menu, once selected your computer will then boot into whichever operating system you chose at the boot menu. Dual booting is a generic term, and can refer to more than two operating systems.}}
type: Plain text
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\newglossaryentry{Ethernet port}{name={Ethernet port}, description={An Ethernet port is what an Ethernet cable is plugged into when you are using a \gls{wired connection}.}}
type: Plain text
\newglossaryentry{Ethernet port}{name={ethernetový port}, description={Ethernetový port je zdířka, kam se připojuje ethernetový (síťový) kabel, když používáte \gls{wired connection}.}, plural={ethernetovému portu}}
Translated by
Martin Lukeš
Reviewed by
Martin Lukeš
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\newglossaryentry{GNOME}{name={\acronym{GNOME}}, description={\acronym{GNOME} (which once stood for \acronym{GNU} Network Object Model Environment) is the default desktop environment used in Ubuntu.}}
type: Plain text
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\newglossaryentry{GUI}{name={\acronym{GUI}}, description={The \acronym{GUI} (which stands for Graphical User Interface) is a type of user interface that allows humans to interact with the computer using graphics and images rather than just text.}}
type: Plain text
\newglossaryentry{GUI}{name={\acronym{GUI}}, description={\acronym{GUI}, což je zkratka Graphical User Interface, je druh uživatelského rozhraní, využívající, kromě textu, i grafiku a obrázky. Pomocí něj mohou lidé pracovat s počítačem.}}
Translated by
Martin Lukeš
Reviewed by
Tomáš Velecký
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\newglossaryentry{ISP}{name={\acronym{ISP}}, description={\acronym{ISP} stands for \emph{Internet Service Provider}, an \acronym{ISP} is a company that provides you with your Internet connection.}}
type: Plain text
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\newglossaryentry{kernel}{name={kernel}, description={A kernel is the central portion of a Unix-based operating system, responsible for running applications, processes, and providing security for the core components.}}
type: Plain text
\newglossaryentry{kernel}{name={jádro}, description={Jádro je důležitá část operačních systému založených na Unixu. Stará se o běh aplikací a procesů a zabezpečuje hlavní komponenty.}}
Translated by
Martin Lukeš
Reviewed by
Martin Lukeš
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\newglossaryentry{Live CD}{name={Live CD}, description={A \gls{Live CD} allows you to try out an operating system before you actually install it, this is useful for testing your hardware, diagnosing problems and recovering your system.}}
type: Plain text
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\newglossaryentry{maximize}{name={\emph{maximize}}, description={When you maximize an application in Ubuntu it will fill the whole desktop, excluding the panels.}}
type: Plain text
\newglossaryentry{maximize}{name={\emph{maximalizace}}, description={Maximalizováním aplikace v Ubuntu ji roztáhnete přes celou plochu monitoru, s výjimkou \gls{panel}ů.}, plural={maximaliz}}
Translated and reviewed by
Martin Lukeš
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