Translations by Fredrik Sudmann
Fredrik Sudmann has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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\prompt \userinput{sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg}
2010-05-04 |
\prompt \userinput{sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg}
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If you forget your password in Ubuntu, you will need to reset it using the ``Rescue mode.''
2010-05-04 |
Hvis du glemmer passordet ditt i Ubuntu må du resette det ved bruk av ``gjenopprettingsmodusen.''
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\prompt \userinput{sudo reboot now}
2010-05-04 |
\prompt \userinput{sudo reboot now}
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Live Chat
2010-05-04 |
Live Chat
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Community Support
2010-05-04 |
Støtte fra miljøet
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LoCo Teams
2010-05-04 |
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Bryan Behrenshausen \item Jamin Day \item Kevin Godby \item Benjamin Humphrey
2010-05-04 |
Bryan Behrenshausen \item Jamin Day \item Kevin Godby \item Benjamin Humphrey
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\begingroup\parindent0pt\parskip0pt\obeylines{} Benjamin Humphrey\dash Team Lead Kevin Godby\dash Lead \TeX{}nician Jamin Day\dash Head of Editing Ilya Haykinson\dash Authors coordinator Josh Holland\dash Translation maintenance Thorsten Wilms\dash Design Adnane Belmadiaf\dash Web development Luke Jennings\dash Quickshot developer Neil Tallim\dash Quickshot developer Simon Vermeersh\dash Quickshot developer \endgroup
2010-05-04 |
\begingroup\parindent0pt\parskip0pt\obeylines{} Benjamin Humphrey\dash Lagleder Kevin Godby\dash Ledende \TeX{}niker Jamin Day\dash Sjefsredaktør Ilya Haykinson\dash Forfatterkoordinator Josh Holland\dash Oversettingsvedlikehold Thorsten Wilms\dash Design Adnane Belmadiaf\dash Web-utvikling Luke Jennings\dash Quickshot-utvikler Neil Tallim\dash Quickshot-utvikler Simon Vermeersh\dash Quickshot-utvikler \endgroup
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\noindent Copyright \textcopyright{} \the\year{} by The Ubuntu Manual Team. Some rights reserved. \ccbysa
2010-04-22 |
\noindent Copyright \textcopyright{} \the\year{} av Ubuntu-veiledningsteamet. Noen rettigheter reservert. \ccbysa
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If you are after more detail, there are excellent resources available at \url{}. Ubuntu's built-in system documentation is also very useful for accessing help on specific topics, and can be found by clicking \menu{System\then Help and Support} in Ubuntu. If something isn't covered here, chances are you will find the information you are looking for in one of those locations. We will try our best to include links to more detailed help wherever we can.
2010-04-22 |
Hvis du søker flere detaljer kan du finne mye bra ressurser på \url{}. Ubuntus innebygde systemdokumentasjon er også nyttig når en leter etter spesielle emner, og kan finnes ved å klikke på \menu{System\then Help and Support} i Ubuntu. Hvis det er noe du ikke finner her i veiledningen er sjansene gode for at du finner det på ett av disse stedene. Vi vil prøve å legge ved linker til mer detaljert hjelp der vi kan.
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\emph{Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04} is not intended to be a comprehensive Ubuntu instruction manual. It is more like a quick-start guide that will get you doing the things you need to do with your computer quickly and easily, without getting bogged down in technical details.
2010-04-22 |
\emph{Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04} er ikke ment å være en utfyllende instruksjonsveiledning for Ubuntu. Det er mer en oppstartsguide som vil kunne få deg i gang med det du trenger å bruke datamaskinen din til, uten å måtte grave seg ned i tekniske detaljer.
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2010-04-22 |
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2010-04-22 |
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Vytautas Bačiulis \item Dmitry Belonogov \item Francisco Dieguez \item André Gondim \item Jiri Grönroos \item Mohamad Imran Ishak \item Martin Kaba \item The KanchiLUG Tamil translating team \item Kentaro Kazuhama \item James Kelly \item George Kontis \item Shushi Kurose \item Martin Lukeš \item Kostas Milonas \item Anwar Mohammed \item Abhijit Navale \item Emmanuel Ninos \item Robert Readman \item Roth Robert \item Anmol Sarma \item Daniel Schury \item Paulius Sladkevicius \item Pierre Slamich \item Frederik Sudmann \item Muhd Syazwan \item Ralph Ulrich \item John Xygonakis \item \ldots and many others
2010-04-20 |
Vytautas Bačiulis \item Dmitry Belonogov \item Francisco Dieguez \item André Gondim \item Jiri Grönroos \item Mohamad Imran Ishak \item Martin Kaba \item The KanchiLUG Tamil translating team \item Kentaro Kazuhama \item James Kelly \item George Kontis \item Shushi Kurose \item Martin Lukeš \item Kostas Milonas \item Anwar Mohammed \item Abhijit Navale \item Emmanuel Ninos \item Robert Readman \item Roth Robert \item Anmol Sarma \item Daniel Schury \item Paulius Sladkevicius \item Pierre Slamich \item Fredrik Sudmann \item Muhd Syazwan \item Ralph Ulrich \item John Xygonakis \item \ldots and many others
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Joey-Elijah Alexithymia \item Jono Bacon \item Manualbot \item Chris Johnson \item Elan Kugelmass \item Elizabeth Krumbach \item Josh Leverette \item Walter Méndez \item Martin Owens \item Tim Penhey \item Andy Piper \item Alan Pope \item Matthew Paul Thomas
2010-04-20 |
Joey-Elijah Alexithymia \item Jono Bacon \item Manualbot \item Chris Johnson \item Elan Kugelmass \item Elizabeth Krumbach \item Josh Leverette \item Walter Méndez \item Martin Owens \item Tim Penhey \item Andy Piper \item Alan Pope \item Matthew Paul Thomas
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\begingroup\small\parskip0pt\parindent0pt\obeylines{} The Mozilla Firefox Documentation Team The Ubuntu Documentation Team The Ubuntu Community Learning Project \endgroup
2010-04-20 |
\begingroup\small\parskip0pt\parindent0pt\obeylines{} The Mozilla Firefox Documentation Team The Ubuntu Documentation Team The Ubuntu Community Learning Project \endgroup
4. |
\newglossaryentry{applet}{name={applet}, description={An applet is a small program that runs in a \gls{panel}. Applets provide useful functions such as starting a program, viewing the time, or accessing the main menu.}}
2010-04-23 |
\newglossaryentry{applet}{name={applet}, description={En applet er et lite program som kjører i et \gls{panel}. Appleter tilbyr nyttige funksjoner slik som programstarting, vising av tid, eller tilgang til hovedmeny.}}
6. |
\newglossaryentry{Canonical}{name={Canonical}, description={Canonical, the financial backer of Ubuntu, provides support for the core Ubuntu system. It has over 310 paid staff members worldwide who ensure that the foundation of the operating system is stable, as well as checking all the work submitted by volunteer contributors. To learn more about Canonical, go to \url{}.}}
2010-05-06 |
\newglossaryentry{Canonical}{name={Canonical}, description={Canonical er selskapet som støtter Ubuntu finansielt, og som tilbyr support for kjernesystemet Ubuntu. Det har over 310 betalte ansatte over hele verden som sikrer et sikkert fundament for et stabilt operativsystem, i tillegg til å sjekke alt arbeidet frivillige bidragsytere sender inn. For å lære mer om Canonical, gå til \url{}.}}
41. |
Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04
2010-04-22 |
Kom i gang med Ubuntu 10.04
42. |
The Ubuntu Manual Team
2010-01-21 |
54. |
2010-04-22 |
55. |
2010-04-22 |
56. |
2010-01-15 |
58. |
Welcome to \emph{Getting Started with Ubuntu}, an introductory guide written to help new users get started with Ubuntu.
2010-04-22 |
Velkommen til \emph{Getting Started with Ubuntu}, en introduksjonsguide skrevet for å hjelpe nye brukere å komme i gang med Ubuntu.
66. |
The term ``Ubuntu'' is a traditional African concept that originated from the Bantu languages of southern Africa. It can be described as a way of connecting with others\dash living in a global community where your actions affect all of humanity. Ubuntu is more than just an operating system: it is a community of people that come together voluntarily to collaborate on an international software project that aims to deliver the best possible user experience.
2010-04-22 |
Uttrykket ``Ubuntu'' er et tradisjonelt afrikansk konsept som stammer fra Bantu-språkene i sør-Afrika. Det kan beskrives som en måte å kobles til andre\dash leve i et globalt samfunn der ens handlinger affekterer hele menneskeheten. Ubuntu er mer enn et operativsystem: det er et samfunn bestående av folk som frivillig kommer sammen for å samarbeide på et internasjonalt programvareprosjekt som sikter på å levere en best mulig brukeropplevelse.
96. |
\textbf{The Ubuntu Manual Team}
2010-05-12 |
106. |
2010-01-15 | ||
107. |
Getting Ubuntu
2010-01-15 | ||
109. |
Downloading Ubuntu
2010-01-22 |
Laste ned Ubuntu
2010-01-15 | ||
121. |
\marginnote{It is possible to purchase Ubuntu on \acronym{CD} from some computer stores or online shops. Have a look around your local area or on the Internet to see if someone is selling it near you. Even though Ubuntu is free software, it's not illegal for people to sell it.}
2010-05-12 |
\marginnote{Det er mulig å kjøpe Ubuntu på \acronym{CD} i noen butikker. Ta gjerne en titt rundt der du bor eller på Internett for å se om noen selger det nær deg. Selv om Ubuntu er gratis, fri programvare er det ikke ulovlig for folk å selge det.}
135. |
256~\acronym{MB} of system memory (\acronym{RAM})
2010-05-24 |
256~\acronym{MB} systemminne (\acronym{RAM})
141. |
Installing Ubuntu
2010-01-15 | ||
298. |
2010-01-15 | ||
343. |
Other options
2010-09-09 |
Andre valg
994. |
Playing a DVD
2010-09-09 |
Spille en DVD
1045. |
Different audio files (\eg, \acronym{MP3}, \acronym{WAV}, \acronym{AAC}) require unique tools to decode them and play the contents. These tools are called codecs. Rhythmbox will attempt to detect any missing codecs on your system so you can play all of your audio files. If a codec is missing, it will try to find the codec in online resources and guide you through installation.
2010-05-12 |
Forskjellige lydfiler (\f.eks. \acronym{MP3}, \acronym{WAV}, \acronym{AAC}) trenger spesielle programverktøy for å dekode dem. Disse kalles kodeker. Rhythmbox vil forsøke å installere manglende lydkodeker på systemet ditt slik at du kan spille av alle dine lydfiler. Hvis en kodek mangler, vil Ubuntu søke på nettet og lede deg gjennom installasjonen.
1049. |
The Rhythmbox website: \url{}
2010-09-09 |
Rhythmboxs nettside: \url{}
1224. |
Software Management
2010-01-22 |
1254. |
Software Sources
2010-01-15 | ||
1284. |
Synaptic Package Manager
2010-01-15 | ||
1317. |
The Command Line
2010-01-15 | ||
1423. |
2010-01-15 | ||
1458. |
Adding a user
2010-05-04 |
Legge til en bruker
1462. |
Account type:
2010-05-04 |
1463. |
2010-05-04 |
1465. |
Deleting a user
2010-05-04 |
Slette en bruker
1481. |
2010-05-04 |
1488. |
2010-05-04 |
1503. |
2010-05-04 |