Details for Estonian translation

Translation file details

  • Estonian
Hendrik Luup
For: develop
Translation group:
Launchpad Translators
Translation policy: Structured
Plural forms: 2
Plural expression:
n != 1
Template description:
The translation template for the deluge client. These strings are in the user interface of the client, and will be visible to the user.


Messages: 1390
Translated: 667 (47.985611510791365%)
Untranslated: 723 (52.01438848920863%)
Shared between Ubuntu and upstream: 667 (47.985611510791365%)
Translated differently between Ubuntu and upstream: 0 (0.0%)
Only translated on this side: 0 (0.0%)
Latest contributor:
René Pärts

052.01  47.985611510791365% translated  52.01438848920863% untranslated

Contributors to this translation

The following people have made some contribution to this specific translation: