Translations by Agostino Russo
Agostino Russo has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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54. |
Reboot required
2009-03-14 |
Wëmôgóne je zrëszenié kòmpùtra znowa
58. |
Help me to boot from CD
2009-03-14 |
Pòmòc w zrëszaniô z CD
60. |
Demo and full installation
2009-03-14 |
Demònstarcëjô ë fùl instalacëjô
61. |
Try %(distro)s without installing! Simply reboot your machine with the CD in the tray. You may perform a full installation from within the demo to install %(distro)s either alongside Windows or as the only operating system.
2009-03-14 |
Wëpróbùjë %(distro)s bez instalacëji! Sygô zrëszëc kòmpùtr znowa z CD w nëkù. Mòże przeprowôdzëc przë demònstarcëji fùl instalacëjã %(distro)s kòl systemë WIndows abò jakno jedynczy systemë.
62. |
Install inside Windows
2009-03-14 |
Instalacëjô bënë Windowsa
64. |
Learn more
2009-03-14 |
Dowiédzë sã wicy