Translation status

Owner: lokster


viGet is translated with Open permissions.

Sharing Information

This template is not sharing translations with a template in an Ubuntu source package .

Language Status Untranslated Need review Changed Last Edited By
Afrikaans 071.70  28.30188679245283% translated  71.69811320754717% untranslated 38 38 0 0 2016-09-08 18:02:58 UTC kek
Brazilian Portuguese 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2012-04-24 02:46:34 UTC Rodrigo Zimmermann
Bulgarian 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2011-02-11 07:40:29 UTC lokster
Cherokee 100.00  100.0% untranslated 53 53 0 0
Dakota 100.00  100.0% untranslated 53 53 0 0
French 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2016-02-27 12:29:22 UTC Jean-Marc
German 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2012-07-29 16:59:21 UTC Simon Schütte
Hawaiian 100.00  100.0% untranslated 53 53 0 0
Inuktitut 100.00  100.0% untranslated 53 53 0 0
Kurdish 077.36  22.641509433962266% translated  77.35849056603774% untranslated 41 41 0 0 2017-02-12 14:39:22 UTC Rokar ✌
Lakota 100.00  100.0% untranslated 53 53 0 0
Louisiana French 100.00  100.0% untranslated 53 53 0 0
Ojibwe 100.00  100.0% untranslated 53 53 0 0
Pennsylvania German 100.00  100.0% untranslated 53 53 0 0
Russian 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2011-11-07 09:06:14 UTC Eugene Roskin
Serbian 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2016-04-04 05:51:22 UTC Мирослав Николић
Sinhalese 069.81  30.18867924528302% translated  69.81132075471697% untranslated 37 37 0 0 2014-06-14 13:59:43 UTC binoy
Spanish 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2012-01-13 07:33:10 UTC Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
Tlingit 100.00  100.0% untranslated 53 53 0 0
Turkish 043.40  56.60377358490566% translated  43.39622641509434% untranslated 23 23 0 0 2011-04-20 13:32:03 UTC Oguz Pastirmaci
Yiddish 100.00  100.0% untranslated 53 53 0 0
Key to this table: “Unchanged” means Translated
and “untranslated” means just that, Untranslated