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531540 of 547 results
Create a coprocess named NAME.

Execute COMMAND asynchronously, with the standard output and standard
input of the command connected via a pipe to file descriptors assigned
to indices 0 and 1 of an array variable NAME in the executing shell.
The default NAME is "COPROC".

Exit Status:
Returns the exit status of COMMAND.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Kreiraj koproces imena IME.

Izvrši komande asinhrono, uz standardni izlaz i standardni
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]ulaz komande povezan preko cijevi prema deskriptorima datoteka dodeljenim
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]indeksima 0 i 1 nizovnoj promenljivoj IME u izvršavajućoj školjci.
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]Podrazumijevano ime je "COPROC".
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]Ekit status:
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]Daje izlazni status komande.
Translated and reviewed by Samir Ribić
Located in builtins.c:1620
Define shell function.

Create a shell function named NAME. When invoked as a simple command,
NAME runs COMMANDs in the calling shell's context. When NAME is invoked,
the arguments are passed to the function as $1...$n, and the function's
name is in $FUNCNAME.

Exit Status:
Returns success unless NAME is readonly.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Definisanje funkcije školjke.
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]Kreiranje funkcije ljuske pod nazivom IME. Kada se uzima kao jednostavna komanda,
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]IME pokreće komande u kontekstu pozivne školjke. Kada IME pozvano,
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]argumenti su prosljeđuju funkciji kao $1 ... $n, a ime funkcije
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]je u $FUNCNAME.
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]Izlazni status:
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]Daje uspjeh ukoliko je IME samo za čitanje.
Translated and reviewed by Samir Ribić
Located in builtins.c:1686
Group commands as a unit.

Run a set of commands in a group. This is one way to redirect an
entire set of commands.

Exit Status:
Returns the status of the last command executed.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Grupiše naredbe kao jedinicu.
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]Izvrši skup naredbi u grupi. Ovo je jedan od načina za preusmjeravanje
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]cijelog skupa naredbi.
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]Izlazni status:
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]Vraća status posljednje izvršene naredbe.
Translated and reviewed by Samir Ribić
Located in builtins.c:1700
Resume job in foreground.

Equivalent to the JOB_SPEC argument to the `fg' command. Resume a
stopped or background job. JOB_SPEC can specify either a job name
or a job number. Following JOB_SPEC with a `&' places the job in
the background, as if the job specification had been supplied as an
argument to `bg'.

Exit Status:
Returns the status of the resumed job.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Reaktiviraj posao u pozadini.

Ekvivalentno JOB_SPEC argumenta za `fg' komandu. Reaktivira
zaustavljeni ili pozadinski posao. JOB_SPEC moće navesti bilo ime posla
ili broj posa. Ako se iza JOB_SPEC stavi `&' to smješta posao u pozadinu
kao da je oznaka posla proslijeđena kao
argument uz `bg'.

Izlazni status:
Vraća status reaktiviranog posla.
Translated and reviewed by Samir Ribić
Located in builtins.c:1712
Evaluate arithmetic expression.

The EXPRESSION is evaluated according to the rules for arithmetic
evaluation. Equivalent to "let EXPRESSION".

Exit Status:
Returns 1 if EXPRESSION evaluates to 0; returns 0 otherwise.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Računaj aritmetički izraz.
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]IZRAZ se računa na osnovu pravila za aritmetičku
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]evaluacije. Ekvivalentno s "let IZRAZ".
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]Izlazni status:
[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]Vrača 1 ako IZRAZ IMA vrIJednost 0; daje 0 u suprotnom.
Translated and reviewed by Samir Ribić
Located in builtins.c:1708
Execute conditional command.

Returns a status of 0 or 1 depending on the evaluation of the conditional
expression EXPRESSION. Expressions are composed of the same primaries used
by the `test' builtin, and may be combined using the following operators:

( EXPRESSION )[tab]Returns the value of EXPRESSION
! EXPRESSION[tab][tab]True if EXPRESSION is false; else false
EXPR1 && EXPR2[tab]True if both EXPR1 and EXPR2 are true; else false
EXPR1 || EXPR2[tab]True if either EXPR1 or EXPR2 is true; else false

When the `==' and `!=' operators are used, the string to the right of
the operator is used as a pattern and pattern matching is performed.
When the `=~' operator is used, the string to the right of the operator
is matched as a regular expression.

The && and || operators do not evaluate EXPR2 if EXPR1 is sufficient to
determine the expression's value.

Exit Status:
0 or 1 depending on value of EXPRESSION.
[tab] represents a tab character. Please write it exactly the same way, [tab], in your translation.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Izvrši uslovnu komandu.

Vraća status 0 ili 1 zavisno o vrijednosti uslovnog izraza
IZRAZ. Izrazi su sastavljeni od istih primarnih izraza koji se koriste
u `test' ugrađenoj komandi,i mogu se sastaviti od sljedećih operatora:

( IZRAZ )[tab]Vraća vrijednost za IZRAZ
! IZRAZ[tab][tab]Tačno ako je IZRAZ netačan; inače tačno
IZRAZ1 && IZRAZ2[tab]Tačno ako je i IZRAZ1 i IZRAZ2 tačan; inače netačno
IZRAZ1 || IZRAZ2[tab]Tačno ako je IZRAZ1 ili IZRAZ2 tačan; inače netačno

Kada se `==' i `!=' operatori koriste, niz sa desne strane operatora se
koristi kao uzorak i koristi se podudaranje uzoraka.
Kada se `=~' operator koristi, niz sa desne strane operatora se poredi
kao regularni izraz.

Operatori && i || ne računaju IZRAZ2 ako je IZRAZ1 dovoljan da se odredi
vrijednost izraza.

Izlazni status:
0 or 1 zavisno koju vrijednost ima IZRAZ.
Translated and reviewed by Samir Ribić
Located in builtins.c:1739
Common shell variable names and usage.

BASH_VERSION[tab]Version information for this Bash.
CDPATH[tab]A colon-separated list of directories to search
[tab][tab]for directories given as arguments to `cd'.
GLOBIGNORE[tab]A colon-separated list of patterns describing filenames to
[tab][tab]be ignored by pathname expansion.
HISTFILE[tab]The name of the file where your command history is stored.
HISTFILESIZE[tab]The maximum number of lines this file can contain.
HISTSIZE[tab]The maximum number of history lines that a running
[tab][tab]shell can access.
HOME[tab]The complete pathname to your login directory.
HOSTNAME[tab]The name of the current host.
HOSTTYPE[tab]The type of CPU this version of Bash is running under.
IGNOREEOF[tab]Controls the action of the shell on receipt of an EOF
[tab][tab]character as the sole input. If set, then the value
[tab][tab]of it is the number of EOF characters that can be seen
[tab][tab]in a row on an empty line before the shell will exit
[tab][tab](default 10). When unset, EOF signifies the end of input.
MACHTYPE[tab]A string describing the current system Bash is running on.
MAILCHECK[tab]How often, in seconds, Bash checks for new mail.
MAILPATH[tab]A colon-separated list of filenames which Bash checks
[tab][tab]for new mail.
OSTYPE[tab]The version of Unix this version of Bash is running on.
PATH[tab]A colon-separated list of directories to search when
[tab][tab]looking for commands.
PROMPT_COMMAND[tab]A command to be executed before the printing of each
[tab][tab]primary prompt.
PS1[tab][tab]The primary prompt string.
PS2[tab][tab]The secondary prompt string.
PWD[tab][tab]The full pathname of the current directory.
SHELLOPTS[tab]A colon-separated list of enabled shell options.
TERM[tab]The name of the current terminal type.
TIMEFORMAT[tab]The output format for timing statistics displayed by the
[tab][tab]`time' reserved word.
auto_resume[tab]Non-null means a command word appearing on a line by
[tab][tab]itself is first looked for in the list of currently
[tab][tab]stopped jobs. If found there, that job is foregrounded.
[tab][tab]A value of `exact' means that the command word must
[tab][tab]exactly match a command in the list of stopped jobs. A
[tab][tab]value of `substring' means that the command word must
[tab][tab]match a substring of the job. Any other value means that
[tab][tab]the command must be a prefix of a stopped job.
histchars[tab]Characters controlling history expansion and quick
[tab][tab]substitution. The first character is the history
[tab][tab]substitution character, usually `!'. The second is
[tab][tab]the `quick substitution' character, usually `^'. The
[tab][tab]third is the `history comment' character, usually `#'.
HISTIGNORE[tab]A colon-separated list of patterns used to decide which
[tab][tab]commands should be saved on the history list.
[tab] represents a tab character. Please write it exactly the same way, [tab], in your translation.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Glavne varijable školjke i primjena.

BASH_VERSION[tab]Informacija o verziji za ovaj Bash.
CDPATH[tab]Lista razdvojena dvotačkama za pretragu
[tab][tab]direktorija data kao argumenti za `cd'.
GLOBIGNORE[tab]Lista razdvojena dvotačkama uzoraka koji opisuju imena
[tab][tab]datoteka koje se trebaju ignorisati pri ekspanziji imena staze.
HISTFILE[tab]Ime datoteke gdje će se smjestiti istorija komandi.
HISTFILESIZE[tab]Maksimalan broj linija koje datoteka može imati.
HISTSIZE[tab]Maksimalan broj linija istorije kojim aktivna školjka
[tab][tab]može pristupiti.
HOME[tab]Kompletno ime staze do direktorija za prijavu.
HOSTNAME[tab]Ime trenutnog hosta.
HOSTTYPE[tab]Vrsta procesora pod kojim se izvršava Bash.
IGNOREEOF[tab]Kontroliše akciju školjke na prijemu EOF
[tab][tab]znaka kao jedinog ulaza. Ako je postavljena, tada je njegova
[tab][tab]vrijednost broj EOF znakova koji se može vidjeti
[tab][tab]u redu u praznoj liniji prije nego će školjka izaći
[tab][tab](podrazumijevano 10). Kada nije postavljeno, EOF je kraj ulaza.
MACHTYPE[tab]Niz znakova koji opisuje trenutni sistem na kome Bash radi.
MAILCHECK[tab]Koliko često u sekundama, Bash provjerava nobu poštu.
MAILPATH[tab]Dvotačkama razdvojena lista imena datoteka koje Bash provjerava
[tab][tab]za novu poštu.
OSTYPE[tab]Verija Unix-a na kojoj radi ova verzija Bash-a.
PATH[tab]Dvotačkama razdvojena lista direktorija koji se pretražuju kada se
[tab][tab]traže komande.
PROMPT_COMMAND[tab]Komanda koja će se izvršiti prije prikaza svakog
[tab][tab]primarnog prompta.
PS1[tab][tab]Niz znakova primarnog prompta.
PS2[tab][tab]Niz znakova sekundarnog prompta.
PWD[tab][tab]Puno ime staze trenutnog direktorija.
SHELLOPTS[tab]Dvotačkama razdvojena lista dopuštenih opcija školjke.
TERM[tab]Ime trenutnog tipa terminala.
TIMEFORMAT[tab]Izlazni format za vremenske statistike prikazane
[tab][tab]`time' rezervisanom riječju.
auto_resume[tab]Neprazna vrijednost znači da će riječ komande koja se
[tab][tab]nalazi u liniji prvo biti tražena u listi trenutno zakočenih
[tab][tab]procesa. Ako je tu, proces se prebaci u prvi plan.
[tab][tab]Vrijednost `exact' znači da riječ komande mora
[tab][tab]tačni odgovarati komandi u listi zaustavljenih procesa.
[tab][tab]Vrijednost `substring' znači da riječ komande mora da
[tab][tab]odgovara podnizu imena procesa. Ostale vrijednosti znače
[tab][tab]da komanda mora biti prefiks zaustavljenog posla.
histchars[tab]Znakovi koji kontrolišu istorijsku ekspanziju i brzu
[tab][tab]zamjenu. Prvi znak je znak za zamjenu u istoriji
[tab][tab]obično je to `!'. Drugi znak je znak za 'brzu zamjenu'
[tab][tab]obično je to `^'. Treći znak je znak 'istorijskog komentara'
[tab][tab]obično `#'.
HISTIGNORE[tab]Dvotačkama razdvojena lista uzoraka korištena da se
[tab][tab]odluči koje komande snimiti u istorijsku listu.
Translated and reviewed by Samir Ribić
Located in builtins.c:1765
Add directories to stack.

Adds a directory to the top of the directory stack, or rotates
the stack, making the new top of the stack the current working
directory. With no arguments, exchanges the top two directories.

-n[tab]Suppresses the normal change of directory when adding
[tab]directories to the stack, so only the stack is manipulated.

+N[tab]Rotates the stack so that the Nth directory (counting
[tab]from the left of the list shown by `dirs', starting with
[tab]zero) is at the top.

-N[tab]Rotates the stack so that the Nth directory (counting
[tab]from the right of the list shown by `dirs', starting with
[tab]zero) is at the top.

dir[tab]Adds DIR to the directory stack at the top, making it the
[tab]new current working directory.

The `dirs' builtin displays the directory stack.

Exit Status:
Returns success unless an invalid argument is supplied or the directory
change fails.
[tab] represents a tab character. Please write it exactly the same way, [tab], in your translation.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Dodaje direktorije na stek.

Dodaje direktorije na vrh direktorijskog steka, ili rotira
stek, praveći novi vrh steka od trenutnog radnog direktorija.
Bez argumenata razmjenjuje dva direktorija na vrhu steka.

-n[tab]Obustavlja normalnu promjenu direktorija pri dodavanju
[tab]direktorija na stek, pa se manipuliše samo sa stekom.

+N[tab]Rotira stek tako da N-ti direktorij (brojeći s lijeve
[tab]strane liste liste prikazane sa `dirs', počevši od
[tab]nule) bude na vrhu.

-N[tab]Rotira stek tako da N-ti direktorij (brojeći s desne
[tab]strane liste liste prikazane sa `dirs', počevši od
[tab]nule) bude na vrhu.

dir[tab]Dodaje DIR na direktorijski stek na vrhu, čineći ga
[tab]novim radnim direktorijem.

Komanda `dirs' prikazuje direktorijski stek.

Izlazni status:
Vraća uspjeh osim ako je proslijeđen neispravan argument ili ako
promjena direktorija ne uspije.
Translated and reviewed by Samir Ribić
Located in builtins.c:1770
Remove directories from stack.

Removes entries from the directory stack. With no arguments, removes
the top directory from the stack, and changes to the new top directory.

-n[tab]Suppresses the normal change of directory when removing
[tab]directories from the stack, so only the stack is manipulated.

+N[tab]Removes the Nth entry counting from the left of the list
[tab]shown by `dirs', starting with zero. For example: `popd +0'
[tab]removes the first directory, `popd +1' the second.

-N[tab]Removes the Nth entry counting from the right of the list
[tab]shown by `dirs', starting with zero. For example: `popd -0'
[tab]removes the last directory, `popd -1' the next to last.

The `dirs' builtin displays the directory stack.

Exit Status:
Returns success unless an invalid argument is supplied or the directory
change fails.
[tab] represents a tab character. Please write it exactly the same way, [tab], in your translation.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Briše direktorije sa steka.

Removes entries from the directory stack. With no arguments, removes
the top directory from the stack, and changes to the new top directory.

-n[tab]Obustavlja normalnu promjenu direktorija pri uklanjanju
[tab]direktorija sa steka, pa se manipuliše samo sa stekom.

+N[tab]Uklanja N-ti element brojeći s lijeve strane liste koju
[tab]prikazuje `dirs', počevši od nule. Na primjer: `popd +0'
[tab]uklanja prvi direktorij, `popd +1' drugi.

-N[tab]Uklanja N-ti element brojeći s desne strane liste koju
[tab]prikazuje `dirs', počevši od nule. Na primjer: `popd -0'
[tab]uklanja zadnji direktorij, `popd -1' predzadnji.

Komanda `dirs' prikazuje direktorijski stek.

Izlazni status:
Vraća uspjeh osim ako je proslijeđen neispravan argument ili ako
promjena direktorija ne uspije.
Translated and reviewed by Samir Ribić
Located in builtins.c:1804
Display directory stack.

Display the list of currently remembered directories. Directories
find their way onto the list with the `pushd' command; you can get
back up through the list with the `popd' command.

-c[tab]clear the directory stack by deleting all of the elements
-l[tab]do not print tilde-prefixed versions of directories relative
[tab]to your home directory
-p[tab]print the directory stack with one entry per line
-v[tab]print the directory stack with one entry per line prefixed
[tab]with its position in the stack

+N[tab]Displays the Nth entry counting from the left of the list shown by
[tab]dirs when invoked without options, starting with zero.

-N[tab]Displays the Nth entry counting from the right of the list shown by
[tab]dirs when invoked without options, starting with zero.

Exit Status:
Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs.
[tab] represents a tab character. Please write it exactly the same way, [tab], in your translation.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Prikazuje direktorije na steku.

Prikazuje listu trenutno zapamćenih direktorija. Direktoriji
se smiještaju u listu `pushd' komandom; možete ići nazad kroz
list koristeći `popd' komandu.

-c[tab]čisti direktorijski stek brišući sve elemente
-l[tab]ne prikazuj verzije direktorija koji imaju tildu kao prefiks
[tab]relativno na vaš lični direktorij
-p[tab]prikaži direktorijski stek s jednim elementom u redu
-v[tab]prikaži direktorijski stek s jednim elementom u redu s prefiksom
[tab]u svojoj poziciji na steku

+N[tab]Prikazuje N-ti element brojeći s lijeve strane liste koju pokazuje
[tab]dirs kada je pozvan bez opcija, počevši od nule.

-N[tab]Prikazuje N-ti element brojeći s desne strane liste koju pokazuje
[tab]dirs kada je pozvan bez opcija, počevši od nule.

Izlazni status:
Vraća uspjeh osim ako je proslijeđen neispravna opcija ili se desila greška.
Translated and reviewed by Samir Ribić
Located in builtins.c:1834
531540 of 547 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Bosnia and Herzegovina translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Arne Goetje, Denis Kotolenko, Nadža Vražalica, Samir Ribić.