Browsing Divehi translation

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8089 of 1729 results
Unless you have a good understanding of the alternative language, it is recommended to either select a different language or abort the installation.
Type: text
ޚިޔާރުކޮށްފައިވާ ބަސް ރަނގަޅަށް ނޭނގޭނަމަ އެހެން ބަހެއް ޚިޔާރުކުރޭ ނުވަތަ އިންސްޓޯލްކުރުން ހުއްޓާލާ.
Translated by Mohamed Usman
Reviewed by Rockworld
Located in ../localechooser.templates-in:20001
If you choose not to continue, you will be given the option of selecting a different language, or you can abort the installation.
Type: text
އިތުރަށް ކުރިޔަށް ނުގެންދަން ނިންމައިފިނަމަ އެހެން ބަހެއް ޚިޔާރުކުރަން ފުރުސަތު ދެވޭނެ، ނޫނީ އިންސްޓޯލްކުރުން ހުއްޓާލަން ފުރުސަތު ދެވޭނެ.
Translated by Mohamed Usman
Reviewed by Rockworld
Located in ../localechooser.templates-in:21001
Type: select
"other", here, is added to the list of countries that will be displayed
for users to choose among them
For instance, choosing "Italian" will show:
Italy, Switzerland, other
Translated and reviewed by Huxain
Located in ../localechooser.templates-in:22001 ../../mktemplates.continents:26
Country, territory or area:
Type: text
ޤައުމު ނުވަތަ ސަރަހައްދު
Translated by Mohamed Usman
Reviewed by Rockworld
Located in ../localechooser.templates-in:23001
Continent or region:
Type: text
Translated by Mohamed Usman
Reviewed by Rockworld
Located in ../localechooser.templates-in:24001
The selected location will be used to set your time zone and also for example to help select the system locale. Normally this should be the country where you live.
Type: text
ގަޑި ހަމަކުރުމަށާއި ސިސްޓަމްގެ ބަސް ޚިޔާރުކުރުމުގައި، ތިޔަ ޚިޔާރުކޮށްފައިވާ ޤައުމަށް ރިއާޔަތް ކުރެވޭނެ. މިތަނުގައި އާންމުގޮތެއްގައި ޚިޔާރުކުރާނީ ތިބާ ދިރިއުޅޭތަން.
Translated by Mohamed Usman
Reviewed by Rockworld
Located in ../localechooser.templates-in:25001
This is a shortlist of locations based on the language you selected. Choose "other" if your location is not listed.
Type: text
މިއީ ތިޔަ ޚިޔާރުކޮށްފައިވާ ބަހަށް ރިއާޔަތްކޮށްގެން ހެދިފައިވާ ލިސްޓެއް. މި ލިސްޓުގައި ތިބާގެ ލޮކޭޝަން ނެތްނަމަ "އެހެނިހެން" ޚިޔާރުކުރޭ.
Translated by Mohamed Usman
Reviewed by Rockworld
Located in ../localechooser.templates-in:26001
Select the continent or region to which your location belongs.
Type: text
ތިބާ ނިސްބަތްވާ ބައްރު ޚިޔާރުކުރޭ.
Translated by Mohamed Usman
Reviewed by Rockworld
Located in ../localechooser.templates-in:27001
Listed are locations for: %s. Use the <Go Back> option to select a different continent or region if your location is not listed.
Type: text
'%s' will be replaced with the name of the currently selected continent/region
ލިސްޓުގައި މިވަނީ %s އަށް ވާ ތަންތަން. ތިބާގެ ލޮކޭޝަން ފެންނަން ނެތްނަމަ <ފަހަތަށް> ފިތާލާފއި އެހެން ބައްރެއް ޚިޔާރުކުރޭ.
Translated by Mohamed Usman
Reviewed by Rockworld
Located in ../localechooser.templates-in:28001
Country to base default locale settings on:
Type: select
ސިސްޓަމްގެ ޑީފޯލްޓް ބަސް ޚިޔާރުކުރުމުގައި ރިއާޔަތްކުރާނެ ޤައުމު:
Translated by Mohamed Usman
Reviewed by Rockworld
Located in ../localechooser.templates-in:29001
8089 of 1729 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Dhivehi Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Ahmed Naseem, Arif, Fayax, Huxain, Ibrahim Awwam, Inash Zubair, Mohamed Usman, Rockworld, Yusuf Shunan, Ziyau Saeed, afeef, shadesofevil, thoha, нахeи.