Translations by Mark Van den Borre

Mark Van den Borre has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

14 of 4 results
Software for Ubuntu is kept in a secure online repository, which contains no false or malicious software.
Software voor Ubuntu wordt bewaard in een veilig
Because open source software is developed by large communities of programmers distributed throughout the globe, it benefits from rapid development cycles and speedy security releases (in the event that someone discovers bugs in the software). In other words, open source software is updated, enhanced, and made more secure every day as programmers all over the world continue to improve it.
Doordat grote gemeenschappen van ontwikkelaars overal ter wereld eraan ontwikkelen geniet open source-software van snelle ontwikkelingscycli en snelle veiligheidsupdates (als iemand fouten in de software ontdekt). Of met andere woorden: ontwikkelaars overal ter wereld blijven eraan verbeteren zodat open source-software dagelijks bijgewerkt, uitgebreid en veiliger wordt.
LoCo teams
LoCo teams
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De schermafdrukken werden gemaakt met Quickshot, beschikbaar op \url{}.