Translations by Luke Jennings

Luke Jennings has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13 of 3 results
\newglossaryentry{dialup connection}{name={dialup connection}, description={A dialup connection is when your computer uses a modem to connect to an \gls{ISP} through your telephone line.}}
\newglossaryentry{dial-up connection}{name={dial-up connection}, description={A dial-up connection is when your computer uses a modem to connect to an \gls{ISP} through your telephone line.}}
\newglossaryentry{dial-up connection}{name={dialup connection}, description={A dial-up connection is when your computer uses a modem to connect to an \gls{ISP} through your telephone line.}}
\newglossaryentry{GUI}{name={\acronym{GUI}}, description={The \acronym{GUI} (which stands for Graphical User Interface) is a type of user interface that allows humans to interact with the computer using graphics and images rather than just text.}}
\newglossaryentry{GUI}{name={\acronym{GUI}}, description={The \acronym{GUI} (which stands for Graphical User Interface) is a type of user interface that allows humans to interact with the computer using graphics and images rather than just text.}}