Translations by Mahara Bot

Mahara Bot has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13 of 3 results
This creates a self-contained website with your portfolio data. You cannot import this again, but it is readable in a standard web browser.
Kreira se samostalna web stranica koja sadrži podatke sa vašeg portfolia. Nije moguće te podatke ponovo uvesti u Maharu ali ih je moguće otvoriti u standardnim preglednicima.
Sorry, your account has been deleted. You can <a href="%scontact.php">contact the site administrator</a>.
Vaš korisnički račun je obrisan
Sorry, your account has expired. You can <a href="%scontact.php">contact the site administrator</a> to have it reactivated.
Vaš korisnički račun je istekao