Translations by Timo Jyrinki

Timo Jyrinki has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

126 of 26 results
Organise your portfolio into <a href="%s">pages.</a> Create different pages for different audiences - you choose the elements to include.
Järjestä portfoliosi <a href="%s">sivuihin.</a> Luo erilaisia sivuja eri tarkoituksiin - valitse, mitä haluat näyttää.
This username is taken, please choose another one.
Käyttäjätunnus on varattu. Valitse toinen.
<h1>About</h1> <p><i>Add text about your organisation or the installation here</i></p> <p><strong>[<i>Name of your installation here</i>]</strong> is powered by <a href="">Mahara</a>. Mahara is provided freely as open source software (under the GNU General Public License). In brief, this means that you are allowed to copy, use and modify Mahara provided you agree to:</p> <ul> <li>provide the source code to others, </li> <li>not modify or remove the original license and copyrights and</li> <li>apply this same license to any derivative work.</li> </ul>
<h1>Tietoa Maharasta</h1> <p> Mahara on perustettu vuonna 2006. Se on yhteisprojektin tulos, minkä rahoitti Uuden-Seelannin Tertiary Education -komission verkko-oppimisen Colloborative Development Fund (eCDF) -rahasto, mukana olivat Massey University, Auckland University of Technology, The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand ja Victoria University of Wellington.</p> <p> Mahara on täysin toiminnallistettu sähköinen portfolio, blogi, ansioluettelon rakentaja ja sosiaalisen verkostoitumisen järjestelmä yhdistäen käyttäjiä ja luoden suoraan toisiinsa yhteydessä olevia yhteisöjä. Mahara on suunniteltu tarjoamaan käyttäjille työkaluja henkilökohtaisen ja ammatillisen oppimisen ja kehittymisen ympäristön luomiseen.</p> <p> Te Reo Maorissa merkitys ”ajatella” tai ”ajatus” –nimi heijastaa projektin kollegoiden omistautumista luoda käyttäjäkeskeinen elinikäisen oppimisen ja kehittymisen sovellus ja sen ohella heijastaa uskomusta, että teknisiä ratkaisuja ei voida kehittää ilman, että otetaan huomioon pedagogiikka ja toimintatavat.</p> <p> Maharaa tarjotaan ilmaiseksi avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistona (GNU General Public Licensen alla). Lyhyesti tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että sinulla on lupa kopioida, käyttää ja muokata Maharaa kun hyväksyt, että: </p> <ul> <li>tarjoat lähdekoodin muille; </li> <li>et muuta tai siirrä alkuperäistä lisenssiä ja tekijänoikeuksia ja</li> <li>sovellat tätä samaa lisenssiä missä tahansa vastaavassa työssä.</li> </ul> <p>Ole hyvä <a href="contact.php">Ota yhteyttä meihin</a> jos sinulla on mitä tahansa kysyttävää koskien Maharaa.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p>
<h1>Welcome</h1> <p><strong>[<i>Name of your installation here</i>]</strong> is a fully featured electronic portfolio system with social networking features to create online learning communities.</p> <p>For more information you can read <a href="about.php">About</a> <strong>[<i>please ensure you also edit this page</i>]</strong> or alternatively please feel free to <a href="contact.php">contact us</a>.</p> <p><i>You can edit this text via "Edit site pages" in "Configure site" in "Site administration"</i></p>
<h1>Tervetuloa Maharaan</h1> <p> Mahara on täysin toiminnallistettu sähköinen portfolio, blogi, ansioluettelon rakentaja ja sosiaalisen verkostoitumisen järjestelmä yhdistäen käyttäjiä ja luoden suoraan toisiinsa yhteydessä olevia yhteisöjä. Mahara tarjoaa sinulle työkalut henkilökohtaisen oppimisen ja kehittymisen ympäristön luomiseen.</p> <p>Voit lukea lisätietoja <a href="about.php">Meistä</a> Tarvittaessa, ole hyvä ja <a href="contact.php">Ota yhteyttä meihin</a>.</p>
<h3>How to embed?</h3> <h4>Google Docs</h4> <p>Google Apps for Educational domains: Sharing of individual files is identical as on a regular Google Apps account.</p> <p>Your institution's administrator may have set the Google Apps so that only members of your institution can view your shared files.<br>In that case, a viewer will be presented with a Google Apps login screen and upon logging into Google Apps, the embedded files will become visible in the page.</p> <p><strong>Documents</strong></p> <ol> <li>Open the document.</li> <li>Click <em>File</em> in the menu bar and then <em>Publish to the Web</em>.</li> <li>Click the <em>Start publishing</em> button.</li> <li>Copy the <em>Document link</em> or the <em>Embed code</em>.</li> <li>Paste it into the Google Apps block.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Spreadsheets</strong></p> <ol> <li>Open the spreadsheet.</li> <li>Click <em>File</em> in the menu bar and then <em>Publish to the Web</em>.</li> <li>Click the <em>Start publishing</em> button.</li> <li>Read through the other options and decide on them.</li> <li>Copy the link for the option <em>Web page</em> or the embed code for the option <em>HTML to embed in a page</em>.</li> <li>Paste it into the Google Apps block.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Presentations</strong></p> <ol> <li>Open the presentation</li> <li>Click the <em>Share</em> button and then <em>Publish / embed</em> (upper right corner)<br> <strong>OR</strong> if you use the new interface:<br> Click <em>File</em> in the menu bar and then <em>Publish to the Web</em>.</li> <li>Click the <em>Start publishing</em> button.</li> <li>Copy the link or embed code.</li> <li>Paste it into the Google Apps block.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Collections</strong></p> <ol> <li>Click on the arrow to the right of the collection name and then on <em>Share</em> and <em>Share</em> again.</li> <li>Change Permissions to <em>Public on the web</em> and save changes.</li> <li>Copy the link.</li> <li>Paste it into the text box in the Google Apps block.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Google Docs Viewer</strong></p> <p>When you have access to a document, e.g. PDF file, through Google Docs from another person, you can embed it:</p> <ol> <li>Click on <em>File</em> and then <em>Embed this PDF file... / Embed link...</em>.</li> <li>Copy the embed code.</li> <li>Paste it into the Google Apps block.</li> </ol> <p>Alternatively, you can export the document into your Google Documents and treat it like any other document (see the section on Google documents above). <h4>Google Calendar</h4> <ol> <li>Open Google Calendar</li> <li>Click on the little triangle next to the calendar that you wish to embed.</li> <li>Click on <em>Calendar settings</em>.</li> <li>On the <em>Calendar details</em> tab scroll down to <em>Embed This Calendar</em>.</li> <li>Customize the calendar appearance and then copy the embed code from text area.</li> <li>Paste it into the Google Apps block.</li> </ol> <h4>Google Maps</h4> <ol> <li>Open Google Maps</li> <li>Click the <em>My places</em> button.</li> <li>Click the name of the map that you wish to embed.</li> <li>Click on the <em>Link</em> icon to the left of the map.</li> <li>Customize the appearance of the map and copy embed code.</li> <li>Paste it into the Google Apps block</li> </ol> <strong>Note:</strong> Use steps 2 and 3 only if you wish to embed one of <strong>your</strong> maps. If you wish to embed any map, you can skip these steps. <h4>Google Books</h4> <ol> <li>Open Google Books.</li> <li>Find the book that you wish to embed.</li> <li>Click on the book title.</li> <li>Click on the <em>Link</em> icon above the book. It only appears if you are allowed to embed this book.</li> <li>Copy the embed code of the book.</li> <li>Paste it into the Google Apps block.</li> </ol>
<h3>How to embed?</h3> <h4>Google Docs</h4> <p>Google Apps for Educational domains: Sharing of individual files is identical as on a regular Google Apps account.</p> <p>Your institution's administrator may have set the Google Apps so that only members of your institution can view your shared files.<br>In that case, a viewer will be presented with a Google Apps login screen and upon logging into Google Apps, the embedded files will become visible in the view.</p> <p><strong>Documents</strong></p> <ol> <li>Open Google Docs document</li> <li>Click <em>Share</em> and than <em>Publish to the Web</em> (upper right corner)</li> <li>Click <em>Start publishing</em> button</li> <li>Copy <em>Document link</em> or <em>Embed code</em></li> <li>Paste it to the GoogleApps block</li> </ol> <p><strong>Spreadsheets</strong></p> <ol> <li>Open Google Docs spreadsheet</li> <li>Click <em>Share</em> and than <em>Publish as a web page</em> (upper right corner)</li> <li>Click <em>Start publishing</em> button</li> <li>Copy link from texarea</li> <li>Paste it to the GoogleApps block</li> </ol> <p><strong>Presentations</strong></p> <ol> <li>Open Google Docs presentation</li> <li>Click <em>Share</em> and than <em>Publish / embed</em> (upper right corner)</li> <li>Click <em>Publish document</em> button</li> <li>Copy link or embed code from textarea</li> <li>Paste it to the GoogleApps block</li> </ol> <p><strong>Collections</strong></p> <ol> <li>In Google Docs click <em>My collections</em> or <em>Collections shared with me</em> (list on left side)</li> <li>Click and select the Collection that you wish to embed</li> <li>Click <em>Sharing - Settings</em> link (on right side)</li> <li>Change Permissions to Public and save changes</li> <li>Copy link from textbox</li> <li>Paste it to the GoogleApps block</li> </ol> <p><strong>Google Docs Viewer</strong></p> <p>This functionality works like the preview functionality in Gmail. You can embed the file, which is <em>directly</em> accessible over the Internet. You just have to paste the complete URL (including the filename) on which the file is accessible to the GoogleApps block.</p> <p>Google Docs Viewer currently supports embedding of the following file types: PDF, TIFF, PPT, DOC, DOCX.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong> The files you've uploaded to Mahara are not directly accessible, so you can't embed those files.</p> <h4>Google Calendar</h4> <ol> <li>Open Google Calendar</li> <li>Click <em>Settings</em> and than <em>Calendar settings</em> (top right on the menu)</li> <li>Click <em>Calendars</em> link on the left upper side</li> <li>Click the name of the calendar that you wish to embed</li> <li>On <em>Calendar details</em> tab you'll find <em>Embed This Calendar</em></li> <li>Customize calendar apperance and than copy embed code from textarea</li> <li>Paste it to the GoogleApps block</li> </ol> <h4>Google Maps</h4> <ol> <li>Open Google Maps</li> <li>Click <em>My Maps</em> link on the left upper side</li> <li>Click the name of the map that you wish to embed</li> <li>Click on <em>Link</em> link on right upper side</li> <li>Customize the apperance of the map and copy embed code</li> <li>Paste it to the GoogleApps block</li> </ol> <strong>Note:</strong> Use steps 2 and 3 only if you wish to embed <strong>your</strong> Google Map. If you wish to embed any Google Map, then you can skip steps 2 and 3. <h4>Google Books</h4> <ol> <li>Open Google Books</li> <li>Find the book that you wish to embed</li> <li>Click on <em>Preview this book</em> link or button</li> <li>Click on <em>Link</em> link on right upper side</li> <li>Copy the embed code of the book</li> <li>Paste it to the GoogleApps block</li> </ol>
Gives you an export in the <a href="">Leap2A standard format</a>. You can later use this to import your data into <a href="">other Leap2A-compliant systems</a>, although the export is hard for humans to read.
Luo arkistotiedoston <a href="">Leap2A</a>-standardiformaatin mukaan. Voit myöhemmin tuoda tiedostoon pakatun datan <a href=""> toisiin LEAP2A-formaattia tukeviin järjestelmiin</a>. LEAP2A-tiedosto ei ole tarkoitettu käyttäjän luettavaksi.
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You are not the owner of this journal entry.
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Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän kansion ja koko sen sisällön?
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<p>You have successfully registered. Please check your email account for instructions on how to activate your account</p>
<p>Rekisteröitymisesi on onnistunut. Sähköpostiisi on lähetetty ohjeet kuinka aktivoit käyttäjätilisi</p>
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