Translations by Jan Feiertag

Jan Feiertag has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

15 of 5 results
For every vacant position you're deducted %s points! Exception: If all positions are vacant you'll receive 0 points. When playing with substitutes, substitutes can compensate any vacant position regardless of the formation. You may not get points for the substitute, but there will be no %s points deducted either.
For every vacant position you're deducted %s points! Exception: If all positions are vacant you'll receive 0 points. When playing with substitutes, substitutes can compensate any vacant position regardless of the formation. You may not get points for the substitute, but there will be no %s points deducted either.
For every vacant position you're deducted %s points! Exception: If all positions are vacant you'll receive 0 points. When playing with substitutes, substitutes can compensate any vacant position regardless of the formation. You may not get points for the substitute, but there will be no %s points deducted either.<br><br>You will not receive negative points for vacant positions in the knockout stage!
For every vacant position you're deducted %s points! Exception: If all positions are vacant you'll receive 0 points. When playing with substitutes, substitutes can compensate any vacant position regardless of the formation. You may not get points for the substitute, but there will be no %s points deducted either.<br><br> You will not receive negative points for vacant positions in the knockout stage!
To receive an offer by the computer on the same day the player must be placed on the transfer list before 4:30 a.m. and must not be removed until the computer has placed his bid.
To receive an offer by the computer on the same day the player must be placed on the transfer list before 3:00 a.m. and must not be removed until the computer has placed his bid.
We were playing with salaries, but did not receive the increased points bonus?
We are playing with salaries, why havn't we received the increased points bonus?