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<p> The Announcements tool allows you to send an e-mail to some or all of your students, or to specific groups. to might want to alert them to the addition of a new document, to remind them of a deadline for submission of an assignment or to highlight and share a particularly good piece of work. Sending such e-mail announcements can also serve as a useful prompt to re-engage students who have not visited the site for some time (as long as it's not overdone!). </p> <b> Contacting specific users </b> <p> In addition to sending a general one to all members of the course, you can send an e-mail to one or more individuals/groups groups. When you create a new announcement, just click <i>Visible to</i> and select users from the left hand lists and and add them as recipients using the arrows.</p>
Anonca enhavo
Translated by Yannick Warnier
<p>The Chat tool allows you to chat 'live' with your students in real time. </p> In contrast to most commercial chat tools, the chat in Chamilo is web based and does not require any additional install (e.g. MSN® Yahoo Messenger®. Skype® etc.) A key advantage of this solution is therefore it's immediate availablilty for students, allowing chat to be easily integrated into the course. Moreover, the Chamilo chat tool will automatically archive discussions and save them for ready access later via the Documents tool. (Be warned that the message may take from 1 to 5 seconds to refresh with each exchange - this doesn't mean anything is wrong!!). </p> If learners have uploaded a profile picture it will appear (reduced in size) in the left column - otherwise, it will show a default image. </p> It is the responsibility of the teacher to delete threads whenever he/she deems relevant. </p> <b>Educational Use</b> <p>Adding Chat to your course is not always a good idea. To make best use of this tool, you need to ensure discussions remains focussed on course content. You might, for example, decide to keep the chat facility hidden until it is time for a 'formal' scheduled session. That way,while the freedom of discussions may admittedly be curbed, you are able to better guarantee thatsuch live meetings will be beneficial .</p>
Babila enhavo
Translated by Yannick Warnier
<p>The assignments tool is a very simple tool that allows your students to upload documents to the course.It can be used to accept responses to open questions from individuals or groups, or for uploading any other form of document</p><p>You can make files visible to all students by default, or only visible to yourself according to the requirements of your course. Making all files visible is useful when, for instance, you want to ask students to share opinions on each others papers, or when you want to give them experience in publishing texts globally. Keep files invisible if, for example, you want ask everybody the same question but to avoid 'cheating'. Making the documents invisible will also allow you to have some form of control over when a document is available to all the other students. </p><p>If you want students to hand in a document for grading you're best, from within the tool, to assign submissions to a folder.</p> <p>You can use the the tool to set deadlines and instructions for delivery, as well as a maximum grade/score.</p>
<p>Ĉi tie studentoj povas loki dokumentojn. Per tiu paĝo eblas interŝanĝi dokumentojn inter studentoj, studentaj grupoj kaj instruistoj. Se vi publikigas dokumenton pere de la grupspaco (opcio = publikigi), estos farita referenco al via dokumento, sen deloki ĝin.</p> <p>Vi povas elekti, ĉu dokumentoj lokataj de studentoj iĝu videblaj aŭ nevideblaj. </p> <p>Ĉi-ilo havas <i>Enkonduktekstan</i> areon, en kiu vi povas noti demandojn, direktivojn, limdatojn aŭ aliajn aĵojn.</p>
Translated by Yannick Warnier
<p>The Reporting tool helps you track your students' attendance and progress: Did they connect to the system, When? How many times? How much do they score in tests? Did they already upload their assignment paper? When? If you use SCORM courses, you can even track how much time a student spent on a particular module or chapter. Reporting provides two levels of information:<ul><li><b>Global</b>: How many students have accessed the course? What are the most frequently visited pages and links?</i><li><b>Specific</b>: What pages has John Doe visited? What score does he get in tests? When did he last connect to the platform?</li></ul>
Spurada enhavo XX
Translated by Yannick Warnier
Course settings Help
Helpo ĉe Kursaj ecoj
Translated by Yannick Warnier
<p>The Course Settings allows you to manage the global parameters of your course: Title, code, language, name of trainer etc.</p><p>The options situated in the centre of the page deal with confidentiality settings : is the course public or private? Can users register to it? You can use these settings dynamically e.g. allow self-registration for one week > ask your students to register > close access to self-registration > remove possible intruders through the Users list. This way you keep control of who is registered while avoiding the administrative hassle of registering them yourself.</p>(Note - some organizations prefer not to use this method and opt to centralise registration. In this case, participants cannot enrol in your course at all, even if you, as a trainer / teacher, wish to give them access. To check this, look at the home page of your campus (as opposed to your course homepage) to see if the 'Register' link is present.) </p> <p>At the bottom of the page, you can back up the course and delete it. Backup will create a file on the server and allow you to copy it on your own Hard Disk locally so that there will be two backups each in different places. If you back up a course and then delete it you will not be be able to restore it yourself, but the system administrator can do this for you if you give him/her the code of your course. Backing up a course is also a good way to get all your documents transferred to your own computer. You will need a tool, like Winzip® to UNZIP the archive. Note that backing up a course does not automatically remove it.</p>
Agorda enhavo
Translated by Yannick Warnier
Add a Link help
Helpo ĉe aldono de ligilo
Translated by Yannick Warnier
<p>Chamilo is a modular tool. You can hide and show tools whenever you want, according to the requirements of your project or to a particular chronological part of it. But you can also add tools or pages to your home page that you have created yourself or that come from outwith your Chamilo portal. That way, you can customise your course home page to make it your own.</p><p>In so doing, you will doubtless want to add your own links to the page. Links can be of two types:<ul><li><b>External link</b>: you create a link on your home page to a website situated outside your course area. In this case, you will select 'Target= In a new window' because you don't want that website to replace your Chamilo environment.</li><li><b>Internal link</b>: you link to a page or a tool inside your Chamilo course. To do this, first go to the relevant page (or document, or tool), copy its URL from the address bar of your browser (CTRL+C), then you go to 'Add link' and paste this URL in the URL field, giving it whatever name you want. In this case, you will select 'Target=Same window' because you want to keep the Chamilo banner on top and the link page in the same environment.</li></ul>Once created, links cannot be edited. To modify them, the only solution is to deactivate and delete them, then start over.</p>
Chamilo estas modulara ilo. Vi povas vidigi ilarojn kaj ilin kaŝi kiam ajn. Sed vi ankaŭ povas meti ilarojn sur la ĉefpaĝon de via kursa TTT, aŭ paĝojn memfaritajn aŭ de ekster via Chamilo-portalo. Tiel vi povas fari vian kursan TTTn via propra paĝo. <br/><br/> Vi povas aldoni 2 tipojn da ligiloj: <ul><li><b>Eksteraj ligiloj</b> : vi povas sur via kurspaĝo fari ligilon al retpaĝo ekster via portalo. En tiu kazo vi povas elekti la celon. En nova fenestro, ĉar vi ne volas, ke Chamilo estu anstataŭigata per la retejo.</li><li><b>Interna ligilo</b>: vi referencas al paĝo ene de via kursa TTT. Por fari tion, vi unue iru al la paĝo aŭ dokumento aŭ ilaro, kopiu la URLn (Ctrl+C), tiam per 'Aldoni ligilon' demetu (Ctrl+V) ĝin en la kampon destinitan kaj donu al ĝi nomon, kiun vi deziras. En ĉi-kazo vi povas elekti la celon. En nova fenestro, ĉar vi ne volas, ke Chamilo estu anstataŭigata per la retejo. </li></ul> Post kreo ne plu eblas ŝanĝi tiujn ligilojn. Por ŝanĝi ilin vi unue forigu la ligilon kaj poste rekreu ĝin.
Translated by Yannick Warnier
Clear content
Malplenigi enhavon
Translated by Yannick Warnier
Groups Help
Translated by Yannick Warnier
47694778 of 7636 results

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Contributors to this translation: Yannick Warnier.