Translations by Roger Fosland
Roger Fosland has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1 → 47 of 47 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
1. |
2010-04-17 |
9. |
You need to configure APRSdroid with your callsign and passcode!
2010-04-17 |
Du må konfigurere APRSdroid med ditt kallesignal og passcode"
10. |
Your passcode does not match your callsign!
2010-04-17 |
Din passcode stemmer ikke med ditt kallesignal!
13. |
Minimum update time is 1 minute!
2010-04-17 |
Minimum oppdateringstid 1 minutt!
15. |
Start Tracking
2010-04-17 |
Start tracking
16. |
Stop Tracking
2010-04-17 |
Stopp tracking
42. |
APRS Service stopped.
2010-04-17 |
APRS tjeneste stoppet.
49. |
Welcome to APRSdroid!
2010-04-17 |
Velkommen til APRSdroid!
53. |
About APRSdroid v%s
2010-04-17 |
Om APRSdroid v%s
78. |
2010-04-17 |
85. |
2010-04-17 |
86. |
2010-04-17 |
89. |
Amateur Radio
2010-04-17 |
90. |
2010-04-17 |
92. |
Your HAM radio callsign
2010-04-17 |
Ditt radioamatør kallesignal
93. |
Enter your callsign
2010-04-17 |
Skriv ditt kallesignal
95. |
APRS-IS validation passcode
2010-04-17 |
IPRS-IS validerings passcode
96. |
Enter the passcode for your call
2010-04-17 |
Skriv passcode for ditt kallesignal
99. |
APRS Settings
2010-04-17 |
APRS innstillinger
100. |
2010-04-17 |
101. |
Station type (1..15; 9=Mobile, 10=APRS-IS)
2010-04-17 |
Statsjonstype (1..15; 9=Mobil, 10=APRS-IS)
102. |
Enter the SSID for your station
2010-04-17 |
Skriv SSID for din stasjon
109. |
6: Satellite
2010-04-17 |
6: Satellitt
110. |
7: Handheld radio
2010-04-17 |
7: Handholdt radio (traskeprater)
111. |
8: Boat / ship
2010-04-17 |
8: Båt / skip
112. |
9: Mobile station
2010-04-17 |
9: Mobil stasjon
113. |
10: APRS-IS (no radio)
2010-04-17 |
10: APRS-IS (ikke radio)
117. |
14: Freight vehicle
2010-04-17 |
14: Transportkjøretøy
119. |
APRS symbol
2010-04-17 |
APRS symbol
120. |
Your symbol for map display
2010-04-17 |
Ditt symbol for kartvisning
126. |
The text after your coordinates
2010-04-17 |
Tekst / melding etter koordinater
129. |
Connection Protocol
2010-04-17 |
130. |
Choose the connection protocol
2010-04-17 |
Velg tilkoblingsprotokoll
176. |
2010-04-17 |
177. |
APRS-IS server (port 8080) to send beacons
2010-04-17 |
APRS-IS server (port 8080) for å sende beacons
178. |
Enter the APRS-IS server hostname
2010-04-17 |
Skriv APRS-IS server hostnavn
183. |
Location Settings
2010-04-17 |
201. |
Minimum update time
2010-04-17 |
Minimum oppdateringstid
202. |
Minutes between beacon transmissions
2010-04-17 |
Minutter mellom beacon sending
203. |
Enter the update interval [min]
2010-04-17 |
Skriv oppdateringsintervall [min]
204. |
Minimum update distance
2010-04-17 |
Minimum oppdateringsavstand
205. |
Kilometers before beacon transmission (set to 0 for time-only)
2010-04-17 |
Kilometer mellom beacon sending (sett til 0 for kun tidsavhengighet)
206. |
Enter the update distance [km]
2010-04-17 |
Skriv oppdateringsavstand [km]
207. |
Await speed & bearing
2010-04-17 |
Avvent hastighet & retning
208. |
Keep GPS on longer to get more precise data
2010-04-17 |
Hold GPS aktiv (på) for mer presis posisjonsdata
209. |
Use network location
2010-04-17 |
Bruk nettverkslokasjon
210. |
Acquire position from the cellular network
2010-04-17 |
Hent posisjon fra mobilnettverket (GSM)