Translations by Jorge Luis Granda

Jorge Luis Granda has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
PURPOSE: This test will test display rotation STEPS: 1. Click "Test" to test display rotation. The display will be rotated every 4 seconds. 2. Check if all rotations (normal right inverted left) took place without permanent screen corruption VERIFICATION: Did the display rotation take place without without permanent screen corruption?
Resolución: Este test probará la rotación del display Pasos: 1. Click "Test" to test display rotation. The display will be rotated every 4 seconds. 2. Check if all rotations (normal right inverted left) took place without permanent screen corruption VERIFICATION: Did the display rotation take place without without permanent screen corruption?