Translations by Dražen Matešić

Dražen Matešić has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

51100 of 175 results
Some wallpapers are partially transparent and allow a background color to show through. For these wallpapers, there will be a color selector button in the bottom-right corner.
Nekatera ozadja so delno prozorna in dovolijo barvi ozadja, da se prikaže skozi. Za taka ozadja bo prikazan gumb izbirnika barve v spodnjem desnem kotu.
To solve this, click the icon at the very right of the menu bar and go to <gui>System Settings</gui>. In the Hardware section, choose <gui>Displays</gui>. Try some of the <gui>Resolution</gui> options and set the one that makes the screen look better.
Za rešitev tega kliknite na ikono skrajno desno v menijski vrstici in izberite <gui>Sistemske nastavitve</gui>. V oddelku strojna oprema izberite <gui>Zasloni</gui>. Poskusite spremeniti <gui>Ločljivost</gui> in izberite tisto, katera vam najbolj ustreza.
Click the icon at the very right of the menu bar and select <gui>System Settings</gui>. Open <gui>Displays</gui>.
Kliknite na ikono skrajno desno v menijski vrstici in izberite <gui>Sistemske nastavitve</gui>. Odprite <gui>Zasloni</gui>.
Click the icon on the very right of the menu bar and select <gui>System Settings</gui>.
Kliknite na ikono skrajno desno v menijski vrstici in izberite <gui>Sistemske nastavitve</gui>.
If you have multiple displays and they are not mirrored, you can have different settings on display. Select a display in the preview area.
Če imate več zaslonov in niso zrcaljeni, lahko imate različne nastavitve na zaslonu. Izberite zaslon v področju predogleda.
Many mice and some touchpads have a middle mouse button. On a mouse with a scroll wheel, you can usually press directly down on the scroll wheel to middle-click. If you don't have a middle mouse button, you can press the left and right mouse buttons at the same time to middle-click. If you find you are unable to middle-click this way you can try following <link href=""> these instructions</link>.
Dosti mišk in nekatere sledilne ploščice imajo srednji miškin gumb. Na miški s sledilnim koleščkom lahko ponavadi pritisnemo navzdol sledilni kolešček za srednji klik. Če nimate srednjega miškinega gumba lahko pritisnete levi ter desni miškin gumb hkrati za srednji klik. Če se vam zdi, da ni mogoče na ta način klikat poskusite naslednja <link href="">navodila</link>.
Type <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>t</key></keyseq> to open the <app>Terminal</app>.
Pritisnite <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>t</key></keyseq> za odpiranje <app>Terminala</app>.
If you downloaded some music from an online store you may find that it won't play on your computer, especially if you bought it on a Windows or Mac OS X computer and then copied it over.
Če ste prejeli glasbo iz spletne trgovine ste morda ugotovili, da se ne predvaja na vašem računalniku, še posebej, če ste jo kupili na računalniku Windows ali Mac OS X ter jo skopirali.
To browse files over the network, <link xref="files-browse">open the file manager</link>. Then, click <gui>Browse Network</gui> in the sidebar, or select <gui>Network</gui> from the <gui>Go</gui> menu. The file manager will find any computers on your local area network that advertise their ability to serve files. If you want to connect to a server on the internet, or if you do not see the computer you're looking for, you can manually connect to a server by typing in its internet/network address.
Za brskanje po datotekah v omrežju <link xref="files-browse">odprite upravljalnik datotek</link>. Nato kliknite <gui>Prebrskaj vsebino omrežja</gui> v stranski vrstici ali izberite <gui>Omrežje</gui> iz menija <gui>Pojdi</gui>. Upravljalnik datotek bo našel vse računalnike v vašem krajevnem omrežju, ki oglašujejo možnost streženja datotek. Če se želite povezati s strežnikom na internetu ali ne vidite računalnika, katerega iščete se lahko ročno povežete s strežnikom, tako da vtipkate internetni oz. omrežni naslov.
For servers on the internet, you can usually use the domain name (e.g. <sys></sys>). For computers on your local network, however, you may have to use the computer's <link xref="net-findip">numeric IP address</link>.
Za strežnike na internetu lahko običajno uporabite ime domene (na primer <sys></sys>). Za računalnike na krajevnem omrežju je morda pametno uporabiti <link xref="net-findip">številčne naslove IP</link>.
The file properties window shows you information like the type of file, the size of the file, and when you last modified it. If you need this information often, you can have it displayed in <link xref="nautilus-list">list view columns</link> or <link xref="nautilus-display#icon-captions">icon captions</link>.
Okno lastnosti datoteke prikazuje podrobnosti kot so vrsta datoteke, velikost datoteke in kdaj ste jo nazadnje spremenili. Če te podatke potrebujete pogosto, jih lahko imate prikazane v <link xref="nautilus-list">pogledu seznama stolpcev</link> ali <link xref="nautilus-display#icon-captions">ikon</link>.
The file system or device that the file is stored on. This shows you where the file is physically stored, for example if it is on the hard disk or on a CD, or a <link xref="nautilus-connect">network share or file server</link>. Hard disks can be split up into several <link xref="disk-partitions">disk partitions</link>; the partition will be displayed under <gui>Volume</gui> too.
Datotečni sistem ali naprava na katerem je datoteka shranjena. To vam pokaže, kje je datoteka fizično shranjena, na primer, če je na trdem disku ali na CD-ju, ali <link xref="nautilus-connect">omrežni souporabi ali datotečnem strežniku</link>. Trde diske lahko razdelite na več <link xref="disk-partitions">razdelkov</link>. Razdelek bo prikazan tudi pod odsekom <gui>Nosilec</gui>.
For help with using Empathy, read the <link href="help:empathy">Empathy manual</link>.
Za pomoč pri uporabi Empathy preberite <link href="help:empathy">priročnik Empathy</link>.
You can make video calls from Ubuntu without installing any additional software using <app>Empathy</app> - via the <em>Google Talk</em>, <em>MSN </em>, <em>Jabber </em>, and <em>SIP</em> networks. See <link href="help:empathy/audio-video">the Empathy manual</link> for help on making video calls with <app>Empathy</app>.
Lahko opravljate video klice iz Ubuntuja, brez da bi namestili dodaten program, z uporabo programa <app>Empathy</app> prek em>Google Talk</em>, <em>MSN </em>, <em>Jabber </em> in <em>SIP</em> omrežij. Poglejte <link href="help:empathy/audio-video">priročnik Empathy</link> za pomoč pri uporabi video klicev s programom <app>Empathy</app>
Click the <gui>network menu</gui> on the menu bar.
Kliknite na <gui>omrežni meni</gui> v menijski vrstici.
Click the <gui>network menu</gui> on the menu bar and select <gui>Edit Connections</gui>.
Kliknite na <gui>meni omrežja</gui> v menijski vrstici in izberite <gui>Urejanje povezav</gui>.
A <em>MAC address</em> is the unique identifier that is assigned by the manufacturer to a piece of network hardware (like a wireless card or an ethernet card). MAC stands for <em>Media Access Control</em>, and each identifier is intended to be unique to a particular device.
<em>Naslov MAC</em> je edinstveno določilo, ki jo je proizvajalec dodelil omrežni strojni opremi (kot je brezžična kartica ali kartica eternet). <em>MAC</em> pomeni <em>Nadzor do dostopa predstavnosti</em> in vsaka koda je edinstvena za določeno napravo.
Click the <gui>network menu</gui> on the menu bar and click <gui>Edit Connections</gui>.
Kliknite na <gui>meni omrežja</gui> v menijski vrstici in izberite <gui>Urejanje povezav</gui>.
Select the network connection that you want to set up manually. For example, if you plug in to the network with a cable, look at the <gui>Wired</gui> tab.
Izberite omrežno povezavo, katero želite nastaviti ročno. Na primer, če ste priključeni prek omrežnega kabla kliknite na zavihek <gui>Žično</gui>.
Click <gui>Save</gui>. If you are not connected to the network, click the network icon on the menu bar and connect. Test the network settings by trying to visit a website or look at shared files on the network, for example.
Kliknite <gui>Shrani</gui>. Če niste povezani z omrežjem, kliknite na ikono omrežja v menijski vrstici in se povežite. Preizkusite nastavitve omrežja tako, da poskusite obiskat spletišče ali si na primer oglejte na omrežju datoteke v souporabi.
Your connection is now ready to use. To connect, click the <gui>network menu</gui> in the <gui>menu bar</gui> and select your new connection.
Vaša povezava je sedaj pripravljena za uporabo. Za povezavo kliknite na <gui>meni omrežja</gui> v <gui>menijski vrstici</gui> in izberite vašo novo povezavo.
To disconnect, click the <gui>network menu</gui> in the menu bar and click <gui>Disconnect</gui>.
Za prekinitev povezave kliknite na <gui>meni omrežja</gui> v menijski vrstici in nato <gui>Prekini povezavo</gui>.
Switch to the <gui>Mobile Broadband</gui> tab.
Kliknite na zavihek <gui>Mobilni širokopasovni dostop</gui>.
There's no network menu in the menu bar
Ni menija omrežja v menijski vrstici.
If the network menu has disappeared from the menu bar, your <app>Network Manager</app> may not be running. To start it up again:
Če je meni omrežja izginil iz menijske vrstice morda se ne izvaja vaš <app>Upravljalnik omrežja</app>. Za ponovni zagon:
Če je meni omrežja izginil iz menijske vrstice morda ni zagnan vaš <app>Upravljalnik omrežja</app>. Za ponovni zagon:
If you're connected to the internet by wireless (wifi), check the network menu on the menu bar to see if you have good wireless signal. If not, the internet may be slow because you don't have a very strong signal.
Če ste povezani na internet prek brezžične povezave, preverit meni omrežja v menijski vrstici, če je dober brezžični signal. Če ni, je lahko internet počasen zaradi šibkega signala.
Click the <gui>network menu</gui> on the menu bar and, under <gui>VPN Connections</gui>, select <gui>Configure VPN</gui>.
Kliknite <gui>meni omrežja</gui> v menijski vrstici pod <gui>VPN</gui> izberite <gui>Dodaj</gui>.
When you've finished setting-up the VPN, click the <gui>network menu</gui> on the menu bar, go to <gui>VPN Connections</gui> and click on the connection you just created. It will try to establish a VPN connection - the network icon will change as it tries to connect.
Ko ste končali z nastavitvijo VPN-ja, kliknite na <gui>meni omrežja</gui> v menijski vrstici, pojdite na zavihek <gui>VPN</gui> ter kliknite na povezavo, katero ste ustvarili. Poskusila se bo vzpostaviti povezava VPN - ikona omrežja se bo spremenila med poskusom povezovanja.
To set up most wired network connections, all you need to do is plug in a network cable. The network icon on the menu bar should pulse for a few seconds and then will change to a "socket" icon when you are connected.
Za nastavitev večine žičnih omrežnih povezav, vse kar morate storite je, da priključite omrežni kabel. Ikona omrežja v menijski vrstici bi mogla utripat nekaj sekund in nato se spremeni v ikono "vtičnice" enkrat, ko ste povezani.
If you are still not connected, your network may not support automatic setup (DHCP). In this case you'll have to <link xref="net-manual">configure it manually</link>.
Če še vedno niste povezani, potem vaše omrežje mogoče ne podpira samodejne nastavitve (DHCP). V tem primeru jo boste mogli <link xref="net-manual">ročno nastavit</link>.
Open <gui>Network</gui> and select <gui>Wireless</gui> on the left.
Odprite <gui>Omrežje</gui> in izberite <gui>Brezžično</gui> na levi strani.
Click the network menu on the menu bar and uncheck Enable Wireless.
Kliknite na meni omrežja v menijski vrstici in odkljukajte Omogoči brezžično.
To do this, click the <gui>network menu</gui> on the menu bar and uncheck <gui>Enable Wireless</gui>. This will turn off your wireless connection until you switch it back on again.
Za to, kliknite <gui>meni omrežja</gui> v menijski vrstici in odkljukajte <gui>Omogoči brezžično</gui>. To bo izklopilo vašo brezžično povezavo dokler je ponovno ne omogočite.
To turn wireless back on, click the <gui>network menu</gui> on the menu bar and select <gui>Enable Wireless</gui> so that it has a checkmark in front of it.
Za ponovni vklop brezžične povezave kliknite na <gui>meni omrežja</gui> v menijski vrstici in izberite <gui>Omogoči brezžično</gui>, tako, da ima kljukico pred imenom.
Click the <gui>network menu</gui> in the <gui>menu bar</gui>, and click the name of the network you want to connect to.
Kliknite <gui>meni omrežja</gui> v <gui>menijski vrstici</gui> in nato kliknite na ime omrežja, na katerega se želite povezati.
If the name of the network isn't in the list, select <gui>More Networks</gui> to see if the network is further down the list. If you still don't see the network, you may be out of range or the network <link xref="net-wireless-hidden">might be hidden</link>.
Če imena omrežja ni na seznamu izberite <gui>Več omrežij</gui> in poglejte, če se omrežje nahaja nižje na seznamu. Če še vedno ne vidite omrežja, ste mogoče izven dosega ali pa je omrežje <link xref="net-wireless-hidden">skrito</link>.
You may find that you have been disconnected from a wireless network even though you wanted to stay connected. Your computer will normally try to reconnect to the network as soon as this happens (the network icon on the menu bar will pulse if it is trying to reconnect), but it can be annoying, especially if you were using the internet at the time.
Lahko se zgodi, da se vaša povezava z brezžičnim omrežjem prekine, čeprav ste želeli ostati povezani. Vaš računalnik se ponavadi sam poskuša nazaj povezati z omrežjem, takoj ko se kaj takega zgodi (ikona omrežja začne utripati, če se poskuša ponovno povezati) ampak zna biti zoprno, še posebej, če ste takrat uporabljali internet.
The network icon on the menu bar displays how strong your wireless signal is. If the signal looks low, try moving closer to the wireless base station.
Ikona omrežja v menijski vrstici prikazuje, kako močan je vaš brezžični signal. Če signal zgleda šibek, se premaknite bližje k brezžični napravi.
This topic describes all of the options that are available when you edit a wireless network connection. To edit a connection, click the <gui>network menu</gui> in the menu bar and select <gui>Edit Connections</gui>.
Ta tema opisuje vse možnosti, katere so vam na voljo, ko urejate brezžično povezavo. Za urejanje povezave, kliknite <gui>meni omrežja</gui> v menijski vrstici in izberite <gui>Urejanje povezav</gui>.
There are a number of reasons why you might not be able to see your wireless network on the list of networks which appears when you click the network icon on the menu bar.
Veliko je razlogov, zakaj ne morete videt svojega brezžičnega omrežja na seznamu omrežij, ki se pokaže ob kliku na ikono omrežja v menijski vrstici.
Click the <gui>network menu</gui> on the menu bar and select <gui>Connect to Hidden Wireless Network</gui>.
Kliknite <gui>meni omrežja</gui> v menijski vrstici in izberite <gui>Poveži se s skritim brezžičnim omrežjem</gui>.
It is possible to set up a wireless network so that it is "hidden." Hidden networks won't show up in the list of networks that are displayed when you click the network menu in the menu bar (or the list of wireless networks on any other computer). To connect to a hidden wireless network:
Možno je nastaviti brezžično omrežje tako, da je "skrito". Skrita omrežja se ne pokažejo na seznamu omrežij, ki so prikazana ob kliku na ikono omrežja v menijski vrstici (ali na seznamu omrežij na kateremkoli drugem računalniku). Za povezavo s skritim omrežjem:
Double-check the password, try using the pass key instead of the password, turn the wireless card off and on again...
Dvakrat preverite geslo. Namesto gesla poskusite uporabiti šifrirni ključ, izklopite in znova vklopite brezžično kartico ...
Open a Terminal window, type <cmd>sudo lshw -C network</cmd> and press <key>Enter</key>. If this gives an error message, you can install the <app>lshw</app> program on your computer by typing <cmd>sudo apt-get install lshw</cmd> into the terminal.
Odprite Terminal in vpišite <cmd>sudo lshw -C network</cmd> in pritisnite <key>Enter</key>. Če se pojavi sporočilo o napaki, namestite program <app>lshw</app> na svoj računalnik tako, da vpišete ukazom <cmd>sudo apt-get install lshw</cmd> v terminal.
tail -f /var/log/dmesg
tail -f /var/log/dmesg
If your wireless adapter was not recognized, it might not be working properly or the correct drivers may not be installed for it.
Če vaš brezžični vmesnik ni bil prepoznan, mogoče ne deluje pravilno ali pa pravi gonilniki niso bili nameščeni.
Click the <gui>network menu</gui> on the menu bar and make sure that the <gui>Enable Wireless</gui> setting is checked.
Kliknite na <gui>meni omrežja</gui> v menijski vrstici in se prepričajte, da je možnost <gui>Omogoči brezžično omrežje</gui> označena.
If you later want to connect to the network you just deleted, simply select it from the list of wireless networks that appears when you click the network menu on the menu bar - just as you would connect to any other wireless network.
Če se pozneje odločite povezati na izbrisano omrežje, ga preprosto izberite na seznamu brezžičnih omrežij, katero se pojavi ob kliku na meni omrežja v menijski vrstici - tako, kot bi se povezali na katerokoli drugo omrežje.
Turn off the computer when you will not be using it for longer periods. Some people worry that turning off a computer regularly may cause it to wear out faster, but this isn't the case.
Če računalnika ne boste dlje časa uporabljali, ga izklopite. Nekatere ljudi skrbi, da redno izklapljanje računalnika lahko povzroči hitrejšo obrabo ampak temu ni tako.