Translations by Gregor Koporec

Gregor Koporec has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

127 of 27 results
PURPOSE: Take a screengrab of the current screen during fullscreen video playback STEPS: 1. Start a fullscreen video playback 2. Take picture using USB webcam after a few seconds VERIFICATION: 1. Review attachment manually later
NAMEN: Naredi posnetek trenutnega zaslona med ponovnim predvajanjem videa v celozaslonskem načinu KORAKI: 1. Začnite s ponovnim predvajanjem videa v celozaslonskem načinu 2. Po nekaj sekundah fotografirajte s pomočjo USB spletne kamere PREVERJANJE: 1. Ročno preglejte prilogo kasneje
PURPOSE: Take a screengrab of the current screen (logged on Unity desktop) STEPS: 1. Take picture using USB webcam VERIFICATION: 1. Review attachment manually later
NAMEN: Naredi posnetek trenutnega zaslona (ko ste prijavljeni v Unity namizju) KORAKI: 1. Fotografirajte s pomočjo USB spletne kamere PREVERJANJE: 1. Ročno preglejte prilogo kasneje
PURPOSE: This test will test your accelerometer to see if it is detected and operational as a joystiq device. STEPS: 1. Click on Test 2. Tilt your hardware in the directions onscreen until the axis threshold is met. VERIFICATION: Is your accelerometer properly detected? Can you use the device?
NAMEN: Ta test bo preveril vaš merilnik pospeška, da se vidi če je zaznan in če je funkcionalen kot naprava joystiq. KORAKI: 1. Kliknite na Test 2. Nagnite vašo strojno opremo v smereh, ki so na zaslonu, dokler se os ne pokriva z mejo. PREVERJANJE: Ali ne vaš merilnik pospeška pravilno zaznan? Ali lahko uporabite napravo?
Play back a sound on the default output and listen for it on the default input.
Ponovno predvajaj zvok na privzetem izhodu in ga poslušaj na privzetem vhodu.
PURPOSE: Check that the various audio channels are working properly STEPS: 1. Click the Test button VERIFICATION: You should clearly hear a voice from the different audio channels
NAMEN: Preveri pravilno delovanje različnih avdio kanalov KORAKI: 1. Kliknite na gumb Test PREVERJANJE: Morali bi jasno slišati glas iz različnih avdio kanalov
This test will verify that the volume levels are at an acceptable level on your local system. The test will validate that the volume is greater than or equal to minvol and less than or equal to maxvol for all sources (inputs) and sinks (outputs) recognized by PulseAudio. It will also validate that the active source and sink are not muted. You should not manually adjust the volume or mute before running this test.
Ta test bo preveril, če so na vašem lokalnem sistemu nivoji glasnosti na sprejemljivi ravni. Test bo potrdil veljavnost glasnosti, ki bo večja ali enaka minvol in manjša ali enaka maxvol za vse vire (vhode) in ponore (izhode), ki jih prepozna PulseAudio. Prav tako bo potrdil veljavnost, da aktivni viri in ponori niso utišani. Ne smete ročno prilagajati glasnosti ali utišati pred zagonom testa.
Check the time needed to reconnect to a WIFI access point
Preveri čas, potreben za ponovno vzpostavitev povezave z WIFI dostopno točko
Run GnuPG benchmark
Zaženi GnuPG rezultat primerjave
Run Compress PBZIP2 benchmark
Zaženi rezultat primerjave Arhiva PBZIP2
Run Compress 7ZIP benchmark
Zaženi rezultat primerjave Arhiva 7ZIP
Run Himeno benchmark
Zaženi rezultat primerjave Himeno
Takes multiple pictures based on the resolutions supported by the camera and validates their size and that they are of a valid format.
Vzame več slik na podlagi resolucij, ki jih podpira fotoaparat in potrdi veljavnost njihove velikosti in formata.
Attaches the log generated by cpu/scaling_test to the results
K rezultatom priloži dnevnik, ki ga ustvari cpu/scaling_test
Validate that the Vector Floating Point Unit is running on ARM device
Potrdi veljavnost, da se Vector Floating Point Unit izvaja na ARM napravi
Some new hard drives include a feature that parks the drive heads after a short period of inactivity. This is a power-saving feature, but it can have a bad interaction with the operating system that results in the drive constantly parked then activated. This produces excess wear on the drive, potentially leading to early failures.
Nekateri novi trdi diski so zmožni ustaviti glave diskov po krajšem obdobju neaktivnosti. To omogoča varčevanje z energijo, vendar pa lahko z operacijskim sistemom deluje slabo, saj se lahko konstantno ustavlja in znova zaganja. To povzroča odvečno obrabo diska, kar lahko privede do zgodnjih napak.
PURPOSE: This test will check the system can detect the insertion of a FireWire HDD STEPS: 1. Click 'Test' to begin the test. This test will timeout and fail if the insertion has not been detected within 20 seconds. 2. Plug a FireWire HDD into an available FireWire port. VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result
NAMEN: Ta test bo preveril, če lahko sistem zazna vstavitev FireWire HDD KORAKI: 1. Klikni 'Test' za začetek testiranja. Ta test bo časovno pretekel in spodletel če vstavljanje ni bilo odkrito v 20 sekundah. 2. Vstavi FireWire HDD v razpoložljiva FireWire vrata. PREVERJANJE: Preverjanje tega testa je samodejno. Ne spreminjajte samodejno izbranega rezultata
PURPOSE: This test will check the system can detect the removal of a FireWire HDD STEPS: 1. Click 'Test' to begin the test. This test will timeout and fail if the removal has not been detected within 20 seconds. 2. Remove the previously attached FireWire HDD from the FireWire port. VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result
NAMEN: Ta test bo preveril, če lahko sistem zazna odstranitev FireWire HDD KORAKI: 1. Klikni 'Test' za začetek testiranja. Ta test bo časovno pretekel in spodletel če odstranitev ni bila odkrita v 20 sekundah. 2. Odstrani FireWire HDD iz FireWire vrat. PREVERJANJE: Preverjanje tega testa je samodejno. Ne spreminjajte samodejno izbranega rezultata
Parses Xorg.0.Log and discovers the running X driver and version
Razčleni Xorg.0.Log in odkrije izvajajoč X gonilnik in različico
Collect info on graphics modes (screen resolution and refresh rate)
Zbere podrobnosti o grafičnih načinih (ločljivost zaslona in čas osveževanja)
Collect info on color depth and pixel format.
Zbere podrobnosti o barvni globini in formatu slikovnih točk
PURPOSE: This test will test display rotation STEPS: 1. Click "Test" to test display rotation. The display will be rotated every 4 seconds. 2. Check if all rotations (normal right inverted left) took place without permanent screen corruption VERIFICATION: Did the display rotation take place without without permanent screen corruption?
NAMEN: Ta test bo preveril zasuk prikaza na zaslonu KORAKI: 1. Kliknite na "Test" za testiranje zasuka prikaza na zaslonu. Priakaz na zaslonu bo zasukan vsake 4 sekunde. 2. Preverite, če so vsi zasuki (normalno, desno, obrnjeno, levo) potekali normalno, brez stalnih napak na zaslonu. PREVERJANJE: Ali je zasuk prikaza na zaslonu potekal normalno, brez stalnih napak na zaslonu?
Attaches the screenshot captured in graphics/screenshot.
Priloži posnetek zaslona shranjenega v graphics/screenshot.
Attaches the screenshot captured in graphics/screenshot_fullscreen_video.
Priloži posnetek zaslona shranjenega v graphics/screenshot_fullscreen_video.
Attaches the firmware version
Priloži različico strojne programske orpeme
Attaches very verbose lspci output (with central database Query).
Priloži zelo obširen lspci izhod (z centralno bazo podatkov Query).
List USB devices
Navede USB naprave
PURPOSE: This test will test the media keys of your keyboard STEPS: 1. Click test to open a window on which to test the media keys. 2. If all the keys work, the test will be marked as passed. 3. If your computer has no media keys, Skip this test. VERIFICATION: Do the keys work as expected?
NAMEN: Ta test bo preveril predstavnostne tipke na vaši tipkovnici KORAKI: 1. Kliknite test, da odprete okno za preverjanje predstavnostnih tipk. 2. Če vse tipke delujejo, bo test označen kot opravljen. 3. Če vaš računalnik nima predstavnostnih tipk, preskočite ta test. PREVERJANJE: Ali tipke delujejo kot je pričakovano?