Translations by Nitin Kushwah

Nitin Kushwah has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
Turn on bounce keys
You can adjust the contrast of windows and buttons so that they're easier to see. This is not the same as <link xref="display-dimscreen">changing the brightness of the whole screen</link>; only parts of the <em>user interface</em> will change.
आप विन्डो और बटन के वैषम्य को अनूकूल बना सकते है, ताकि वे आसानी से दिखे। यह पूरी स्क्रीन की चमक <link xref="display-dimscreen">changing the brightness of the whole screen</link>; को बदलने की तरह नहीं है, केवल कुछ भाग <em>user interface</em> के बदल जाएगें।