Translations by Boyuan Yang

Boyuan Yang has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

151153 of 153 results
Arithmetic for loop. Equivalent to (( EXP1 )) while (( EXP2 )); do COMMANDS (( EXP3 )) done EXP1, EXP2, and EXP3 are arithmetic expressions. If any expression is omitted, it behaves as if it evaluates to 1. Exit Status: Returns the status of the last command executed.
算术 for 循环。 等价于 (( EXP1 )) while (( EXP2 )); do 命令们 (( EXP3 )) done EXP1、EXP2 和 EXP3 都是算术表达式。如果省略任何表达式, 则等同于使用了估值为1的表达式。 退出状态: 返回最后执行的命令的状态。
Select words from a list and execute commands. The WORDS are expanded, generating a list of words. The set of expanded words is printed on the standard error, each preceded by a number. If `in WORDS' is not present, `in "$@"' is assumed. The PS3 prompt is then displayed and a line read from the standard input. If the line consists of the number corresponding to one of the displayed words, then NAME is set to that word. If the line is empty, WORDS and the prompt are redisplayed. If EOF is read, the command completes. Any other value read causes NAME to be set to null. The line read is saved in the variable REPLY. COMMANDS are executed after each selection until a break command is executed. Exit Status: Returns the status of the last command executed.
从列表中选取词并且执行命令。 <词语...> 被展开,生成一个词的列表。展开的词集合被打印 在标准错误输出设备上,每个以一个数字做前缀。如果没有 `in WORDS' 则假定使用`in "$@"'。PS3提示符会被显示并且从标准输入读入一行 如果该行由被显示的词对应的数字组成,则 NAME 变量被设定为相应 的词。如果行为空,则 WORDS 变量和提示符被重新显示。如果读取了 文件结束符,则命令完成。读入任何其他的值会导致 NAME 变量被设定 为空。读入的行被存放在变量 REPLY 中。COMMANDS 命令在每次选择 之后执行直到执行一个 break 命令。 退出状态: 返回最后一个执行的命令的状态。
Read lines from a file into an array variable. A synonym for `mapfile'.
从一个文件中读取行到数组变量中。 一个 `mapfile'的同义词。