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These translations are shared with snapd trunk series template snappy.

5564 of 953 results

The okay command acknowledges the warnings listed with 'snap warnings'.

Once acknowledged a warning won't appear again unless it re-occurrs and
sufficient time has passed.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.

L'ordre okay reconeix els advertiments llistats amb 'snap warnings'.

Un cop reconegut, un advertiment no tornarà a aparèixer a no ser que torni
a ocórrer i hagi passat un temps suficient.
Translated and reviewed by Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in cmd/snap/cmd_warnings.go:60

The pack command packs the given snap-dir as a snap and writes the result to
target-dir. If target-dir is omitted, the result is written to current
directory. If both source-dir and target-dir are omitted, the pack command packs
the current directory.

The default file name for a snap can be derived entirely from its snap.yaml, but
in some situations it's simpler for a script to feed the filename in. In those
cases, --filename can be given to override the default. If this filename is
not absolute it will be taken as relative to target-dir.

When used with --check-skeleton, pack only checks whether snap-dir contains
valid snap metadata and raises an error otherwise. Application commands listed
in snap metadata file, but appearing with incorrect permission bits result in an
error. Commands that are missing from snap-dir are listed in diagnostic
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.

L'ordre pack empaqueta el snap-dir donat a un snap i escriu el resultat a
target-dir. Si s'omet target-dir, el resultat s'escriu al directori
actual. Si s'ometen tant source-dir com target-dir, l'ordre pack empaqueta
el directori actual.

Es pot derivar el nom predeterminat de fitxer per a un snap completament
del seu snap.yamlò, per en algunes situacions és més senzill definir-lo amb un
script. En aquests casos, es pot donar --filename per ignorar el valor per defecte.
Si aquest nom de fitxer no és absolut s'agafarà com a relatiu a target-dir.

Quan s'usa amb --check-skeleton, pack sols verifica si snap-dir conté metadades
vàlides de snap i mostra un error en cas contrari. Les ordres d'aplicació llistades
al fitxer de metadades de l'snap, però que apareixen amb bits incorrectes de
permís, resultaran en un error. Les ordres que falten del snap-dir es llisten a
missatges de diagnòstic.
Translated and reviewed by Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in cmd/snap/cmd_pack.go:50

The paths command prints the list of paths detected and used by snapd.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.

L'ordre paths imprimeix la llista de camins detectats i usat pel snapd.
Translated and reviewed by Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in cmd/snap/cmd_debug_paths.go:32

The portal-info command returns information about a process in keyfile format.

This command is used by the xdg-desktop-portal service to retrieve
information about snap confined processes.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.

L'ordre porta-info retorna informació sobre un procés en format keyfile.

Aquesta ordre és usada pel servei xdg-desktop-portal per retrobar informació
sobre els processos confinats de snaps.
Translated and reviewed by Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in cmd/snap/cmd_routine_portal_info.go:43

The prefer command enables all aliases of the given snap in preference
to conflicting aliases of other snaps whose aliases will be disabled
(or removed, for manual ones).
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.

L'ordre prefer habilita tots els àlies d'un snap donat preferiblement sobre
ales àlies en conflicte d'altres snap els àlies dels quals es deshabilitaran
(o eliminaran, per als manuals).
Translated and reviewed by Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in cmd/snap/cmd_prefer.go:36

The prepare-image command performs some of the steps necessary for
creating device images.

For core images it is not invoked directly but usually via

For preparing classic images it supports a --classic mode
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.

L'odre prepare-image realitza alguns dels passos necessaris per crear
imatges de dispositiu.

Per a imatges de nucli no s'invoca directament però en general
mitjançant ubuntu-image.

Per preparar imatges clàssiques dóna suport a model --classic.
Translated and reviewed by Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in cmd/snap/cmd_prepare_image.go:67

The publisher of snap %q has indicated that they do not consider this revision
to be of production quality and that it is only meant for development or testing
at this point. As a consequence this snap will not refresh automatically and may
perform arbitrary system changes outside of the security sandbox snaps are
generally confined to, which may put your system at risk.

If you understand and want to proceed repeat the command including --devmode;
if instead you want to install the snap forcing it into strict confinement
repeat the command including --jailmode.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.

L'editor del snap %q ha indicat que no consideren que aquesta revisió sigui de
qualitat de producció i que sols pretén ser de desenvolupament o prova en
aquest moment. Com a conseqüència aquest snap no es refrescarà de manera
automàtica i pot realitzar canvis arbitraris al sistema per fora del sorral
on els snaps estan habitualment confinats, cosa que pot significar un risc pel sistema.

Si ho enteneu i voleu procedir, repetiu l'ordre incloent --devmode; si en canvi voleu
instal·lar l'snap forçant-lo a confinament estricte repetiu l'ordre incloent
Translated and reviewed by Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in cmd/snap/error.go:181

The quota command shows information about a quota group, including the set of
snaps and any sub-groups it contains, as well as its resource constraints and
the current usage of those constrained resources.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.

L'ordre quota mostra informació sobre un grup quota, incloent el conjunt de
snaps i qualsevol subgrup que contingui, així com les seves restriccions de recursos
i l'ús actual d'aquest recursos restringits.
Translated and reviewed by Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in cmd/snap/cmd_quota.go:39

The quotas command shows all quota groups.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.

L'ordre quotas mostra tots els grups quota.
Translated and reviewed by Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in cmd/snap/cmd_quota.go:46

The reboot command can used from allowed hooks to control the reboot behavior of the system.

Currently it can only be invoked from gadget install-device during UC20 install mode. After invoking it from install-device with --halt or --poweroff the device will not reboot into run mode after finishing install mode but will instead either halt or power off. From install-device the effect is therefore not immediate but delayed until the end of installation itself.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.

L'ordre de reinici es pot fer servir des dels ganxos permesos per controlar el comportament de reinici del sistema.

Actualment sols es pot invocar des de l'artefacte install-device durant el mode d'instal·lació UC20. Després d'invocar-lo des de l'install-device amb --halt o --poweroff, el dispositiu no es reiniciarà al mode execució després de finalitzar el mode instal·lació, però en canvi s'aturarà o s'apagarà. Des de l'install-device l'efecte és aleshores no immediat sinó retardat fins el final de la pròpia instal·lació.
Translated and reviewed by Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in overlord/hookstate/ctlcmd/reboot.go:31
5564 of 953 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Catalan Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Adolfo Jayme Barrientos, Aniol Garcia, Biel Fiol, Giorgio Grappa, Jaume Villalba, JoanColl, Paco Riviere, Sergi Heras, Walter Garcia-Fontes, amm.