Translations by Bob Chao

Bob Chao has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

16 of 6 results
This section is an introduction to Ubuntu. It explains the Ubuntu philosophy and roots, gives information about how to contribute to Ubuntu, and shows how to get help with Ubuntu.
本節是 Ubuntu 的簡介,會解釋 Ubuntu 的起源和理念。另外,會說明如何貢獻 Ubuntu,及有問題時如何得到幫助。
The Ubuntu project is entirely committed to the principles of free software development; people are encouraged to use free software, improve it, and pass it on.
Ubuntu 專案完全以自由軟體原則開發:鼓勵人們使用、改進以及散佈自由軟體。
There are many different operating systems based on Linux: Debian, SuSE, Gentoo, Red Hat, and Mandriva are examples. Ubuntu is yet another contender in what is already a highly competitive world. So what makes Ubuntu different?
以 Linux 為基礎的作業系統已經很多(如 Debian、SuSE、Gentoo、Red Hat 與 Mandriva),Ubuntu 便是此高度競爭市場中另一個成員。那麼,Ubuntu 有何不同呢?
The desktop is what you see after you log in to your computer and what you use to manage and run applications. The default desktop environment for Ubuntu is <ulink url="">GNOME</ulink>, a leading UNIX and Linux desktop suite and development platform.
桌面環境(desktop)是你登入電腦後所見的東西,可以用來管理、執行應用軟體。Ubutnu 預設的桌面環境為 UNIX/Linux 界的領導品牌 <ulink url="">GNOME</ulink>。
You can optionally install the <ulink url="">KDE</ulink> and <ulink url="">Xfce</ulink> desktop environments, which have their own distinctive look and feel. KDE and Xfce are made available in Ubuntu by the <ulink url="">Kubuntu</ulink> and <ulink url="">Xubuntu</ulink> projects respectively. You can even install a KDE-only or Xfce-only version of Ubuntu if you wish.
你也可以另外安裝 <ulink url="">KDE</ulink>、<ulink url="">Xfce</ulink> 等各有特色的桌面環境。Ubuntu 的 KDE 及 Xfce 環境分別由 <ulink url="">Kubuntu</ulink> 及 <ulink url="">Xubuntu</ulink> 兩個專案分別控管,想安裝僅有 KDE 或僅有 Xface 的 Ubuntu 也不成問題。
The Ubuntu version numbering scheme is based on the date we release a version of the distribution. The version number comes from the year and month of the release rather than reflecting the actual version of the software.
Ubuntu 的版號乃由發佈時間的年及月組合而成,並不真正反應軟體的版號。