Translations by juancarlospaco

juancarlospaco has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

15 of 5 results
Install Type: ${INSTALLTYPE} Language: ${LANGUAGE} Keyboard layout: ${KEYMAP} Name: ${FULLNAME} Login name: ${USERNAME} Location: ${LOCATION} IR Remote: ${REMOTE} IR Transmitter: ${TRANSMITTER} Video Driver: ${VIDEO_DRIVER} Services: ${SERVICES}
Tipo de Instalacion: ${INSTALLTYPE} Lenguaje: ${LANGUAGE} Distribucion de Teclado: ${KEYMAP} Nombre: ${FULLNAME} Nombre de Login: ${USERNAME} Locacion: ${LOCATION} Remoto IR: ${REMOTE} Transmisor IR: ${TRANSMITTER} Driver de Video: ${VIDEO_DRIVER} Servicios: ${SERVICES}
Install Type: ${INSTALLTYPE} Language: ${LANGUAGE} Keyboard layout: ${KEYMAP} Nombre: ${FULLNAME} Nombre de Login: ${USERNAME} Locacion: ${LOCATION} Remoto IR: ${REMOTE} Transmisor IR: ${TRANSMITTER} Driver de Video: ${VIDEO_DRIVER} Servicios: ${SERVICES}
Calculating files to skip copying...
Calculando archivos para excluir del copiado...
Install them side by side, choosing between them each startup
Instalarlos lado por lado, elijiendo entre ellos en cada inicio.
Use software from the "partner" repository?
Usar software del repositorio "partner"?