Translations by catinsnow

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13 of 3 results
The root user in GNU/Linux is the user which has administrative access to your system. Normal users do not have this access for security reasons. However, Ubuntu does not include the root user. Instead, administrative access is given to individual users, who may use the "sudo" application to perform administrative tasks. The first user account you created on your system during installation will, by default, have access to sudo. You can restrict and enable sudo access to users with the <application>Users and Groups</application> application (see <xref linkend="users-and-groups"/> for more information).
在GNU/Linux中,root用户是对系统具有管理员权限的用户。普通用户出于安全原因不具有这种访问权限。然而Ubuntu不再包含root用户,作为替代,将管理员权限给予特定用户,使他们可使用“sudo”运行需要管理员权限的任务。缺省条件下在系统安装过程中创建的第一个用户具有运行sudo的权限。你可以通过<application>Users and Groups</application>(更多介绍见<xref linkend="users-and-groups"/>)来限制和赋予用户运行sudo的权限。
Some other tips on using sudo:
To use a "root" terminal, type "sudo -i" at the command line.
要使用 "root" 终端,在命令行输入“sudo -i”