Translations by Dražen Matešić

Dražen Matešić has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

150 of 200 results
Go to your Home folder by typing 'home' in the <gui>dash</gui>.
Pojdite v svojo Domačo mapo tako, da vtipkate 'domača' v <gui>pregledno ploščo</gui>.
Customize the launcher
Prilagodite zaganjalnik
<link xref="unity-launcher-intro">Learn more about the launcher.</link>
<link xref="unity-launcher-intro">Izvedite več o zaganjalniku.</link>
Use the launcher to start applications
Uporabite zaganjalnik za zagon programov
<link xref="unity-dash-intro">Learn more about the dash.</link>
<link xref="unity-dash-intro">Izvedite več o pregledni plošči.</link>
To learn more about the launcher, explore any of the launcher help topics below.
Da bi izvedeli več o zaganjalniku, raziščite katero od tem pomoči zaganjalnika spodaj.
Find apps, files, music, and more with the dash
Poiščite programe, datoteke, glasbo in še več s pregledno ploščo
Change which applications show in the launcher
Spremenite, kateri programi so prikazani v zaganjalniku
In the <gui>dash</gui>, open <app>Desktop Sharing</app>.
V <gui>pregledni plošči</gui> odprite <app>Souporaba namizja</app>
Go to the <gui>dash</gui> and open the <app>Screenshot</app> tool.
Pojdite na <gui>pregledno ploščo</gui> in odprite program <app>Zaslonska slika</app>.
Open the <app>Terminal</app> by pressing <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>t</key></keyseq> or by searching for <input>terminal</input> in the <gui>dash</gui>.
Odprite <app>Terminal</app> s pritiskom na <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>t</key></keyseq> ali z iskanjem besede <input>terminal</input> v <gui>pregledni plošči</gui>.
Open the <gui>launcher</gui> and then click the <app>Trash</app> shortcut which is located at the bottom of the launcher.
Odprite <gui>zaganjalnik</gui> in kliknite na bližnjico <app>Smeti</app>, katera se nahaja na dnu zaganjalnika.
To lock your screen immediately, click the icon at the very right of the <gui>menu bar</gui> and select <gui>Lock Screen</gui>, or just press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>L</key></keyseq>.
Če želite nemudoma zakleniti zaslon, kliknite ikono skrajno desno v <gui>menijski vrstici</gui> in izberite <gui>Zaklep zaslona</gui> ali pritisnite <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>L</key></keyseq>.
When you plug an iPod into your computer, it will appear in your music player application and also in the file manager (the <app>Files</app> application in the <gui>launcher</gui>). You must copy songs onto the iPod using the music player - if you copy them across using the file manager, it won't work because the songs won't be put into the right location. iPods have a special location for storing songs that music player applications know how to get to but the file manager does not.
Ob priklopu iPoda v vaš računalnik, se bo prikazal v vašem programu za predvajanje glasbe in v upravljalniku datotek (program <app>Datoteke</app> v <gui>zaganjalniku</gui>). Pesmi morate kopirati na iPod z uporabo predvajalnika glasbe - če jih kopirate z upravljalnikom datotek ne bo delalo, ker se pesmi ne bodo shranile na pravo mesto. iPodi imajo posebno mesto za shrambo pesmi, katerega predvajalnik glasbe pozna, upravljalnik datotek pa ne.
You can now view your social networking messages from the <link xref="unity-appmenu-intro"> Messaging menu</link> on the right hand side of the menu bar, in the <gui>Broadcast</gui> section. Click on any of the items in that section to open <gui>Gwibber</gui> and to read or post messages to your social network.
Sedaj si lahko ogledate svoja sporočila družabnih omrežij iz <link xref="unity-appmenu-intro">menija sporočanja</link>, na desni strani menijske vrstice v oddelku <gui>Razpršeno oddajanje</gui>. Kliknite katerikoli predmet v tem oddelku za odpiranje <gui>Gwibberja</gui> in za branje ter pošiljanje sporočil na vaše družabno omrežje.
Click the icon at the very right of the menu bar and select <gui>System Settings </gui>.
Kliknite na ikono skrajno desno v menijski vrstici in izberite <gui>Sistemske nastavitve</gui>.
By default, the launcher only shows on the primary monitor. To change which monitor is "primary", change the monitor in the <gui>Launcher Placement</gui> drop-down box. You could also drag the launcher in the preview to the monitor you want to set as the "primary" monitor.
Privzeto bo zaganjalnik prikazan samo na glavnem zaslonu. Če želite spremeniti kateri zaslon je "glavni", spremenite zaslon v spustnem seznamu <gui>Položaj zaganjalnik</gui>. Lahko pa v predogledu povlečete zaganjalnik na zaslon, katerega želite nastaviti kot "glavnega".
Open the <app>System Monitor</app> application from the <gui>dash</gui>.
Odprite program <app>Nadzornik sistema</app> iz <gui>pregledne plošče</gui>.
If you want the launcher to show on all monitors, change <gui>Launcher Placement</gui> to <gui>All Displays</gui>.
Če želite, da se zaganjalnik pokaže na vseh zaslonih spremenite <gui>Položaj zaganjalnika</gui> na <gui>Vsi zasloni</gui>.
Select <gui>Brightness and Lock</gui>.
Izberite <gui>Svetlost in zaklep</gui>.
external ref='/usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-light/status/24/audio-volume-high-panel.svg' md5='571b59734272f80a40e8d2e9a8d4256e'
external ref='/usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-light/status/24/audio-volume-high-panel.svg' md5='571b59734272f80a40e8d2e9a8d4256e'
Open the <app>Passwords and Keys</app> application from the <gui>dash</gui>.
Odprite <app>Gesla in šifrirni ključi</app> program iz <gui>Pregledne plošče</gui>.
The <gui>Ubuntu Button</gui> sits near the top left corner of the screen and is always the top item in the launcher. If you click the <gui>Ubuntu Button</gui>, Unity will present you with an additional feature of the desktop, the <gui>Dash</gui>.
<gui>Ubuntu gumb</gui> je vedno prikazan v zgornjem levem kotu zaslona. Če kliknete <gui>Ubuntu gumb</gui> Unity vam bo predstavil dodatno zmožnost namizja, <gui> Pregledno ploščo</gui>.
<gui>Ubuntu gumb</gui> je vedno prikazan v zgornjem levem kotu zaslona. Če kliknete <gui>Ubuntu gumb</gui> Unity vam bo predstavil dodatno zmožnost namizja, <gui> Dash</gui>.
Open the <app>Passwords and Keys</app> application from the <gui>dash</gui>.
Odprite <app>Gesla in šifrirni ključi</app> program iz <gui>dash-a</gui>.
When you hover your mouse pointer over a button and don't move it, it will gradually change color. When it has fully changed color, the button will be clicked.
Ko miško držite nad gumbom in je ne premikate bo postopoma spreminjala barvo. Ko je barva popolnoma spremenjena, bo bil gumb kliknjen.
<app>Synaptic Package Manager</app> is more powerful and can do some software management tasks which <app>Ubuntu Software Center</app> can't. Synaptic's interface is more complicated and doesn't support newer Software Center features like ratings and reviews and therefore isn't recommended for use by those new to Ubuntu.
<app>Upravitelj paketov Synaptic</app> je bolj zmogljiv in lahko opravlja nekatera opravila nad programi, katerih <app>Programsko središče Ubuntu</app> ne zmore. Synapticov vmesnik je dosti bolj zahteven in ne podpira novejših zmožnosti Programskega središča, kot so ocene ter mnenja in zato ni priporočljiv novim uporabnikom Ubuntuja.
Click <gui>Search</gui> to search for an application, or click <gui>Sections</gui> and look through the categories to find one.
Kliknite <gui>Iskanje</gui> za iskanje programa oz. kliknite <gui>Oddelki</gui> in se sprehodite po kategorijah.
Connect to the Internet using a <link xref="net-wireless-connect">wireless</link> or <link xref="net-wired-connect">wired connection</link>.
Povežite se na internet z uporabo <link xref="net-wireless-connect">brezžične</link> ali <link xref="net-wired-connect">žične povezave</link>.
Third-party software repositories are not checked for security or reliability by Ubuntu members, and may contain software which is harmful to your computer.
Skladišča tretjih oseb niso potrjena, če so varna oz. zanesljiva s strani članov Ubuntu, in lahko vsebujejo programe, kateri so lahko škodljivi vašemu računalniku.
On the PPA's overview page, look for the heading <gui>Adding this PPA to your system</gui>. Make a note of the PPA's location, which should look similar to: <code>ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next</code>.
Na PPA domači strani, iščite naslov <gui>Adding this PPA to your system</gui>. Kopirajte PPA naslov, kateri izgleda podobno ko: <code>ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next</code>.
Switch to the <gui>Other Software</gui> tab.
Kliknite na zavihek <gui>Drugi programi</gui>.
Click <gui>Add Source</gui>. Enter your password in the Authenticate window.
Kliknite <gui>Dodaj</gui>. Vnesite vaše geslo v overitvenem oknu.
Close the Software Sources window. Ubuntu Software Center will then check your software sources for new software.
Zaprite okno Programskih virov. Programsko središče Ubuntu bo nato preverilo programske vire, če so na voljo novi programi.
When the Software Center opens, click the <gui>Installed</gui> button at the top.
Ko se Programsko središče odpre,v zgornjem delu kliknite gumb <gui>Nameščeno</gui>.
Find the application that you want to remove by using the search box, or by looking through the list of installed applications.
Najdite program, katerega želite odstraniti z uporabo iskalne vrstice ali s pregledom seznama nameščenih programov.
You may be asked to enter your password. After you have done that, the application will be removed.
Morda boste morali vnesti svoje geslo. Po vpisanem geslu, bo vaš program odstranjen.
Click the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar and select <gui>Set Up New Device</gui>.
Kliknite ikono Bluetooth v menijski vrstici in izberite <gui>Nastavi novo napravo</gui>.
Make sure that your Bluetooth adapter is switched on. Click the Bluetooth icon in the <gui>menu bar</gui> and check that it's not <link xref="bluetooth-turn-on-off">disabled</link>.
Prepričajte se, da je vaš vmesnik Bluetooth vklopljen. Kliknite ikono Bluetooth v <gui>menijski vrstici</gui> in preverite, da ni <link xref="bluetooth-turn-on-off">onemogočena</link>.
Click the Bluetooth icon in the <gui>menu bar</gui> and select <gui>Bluetooth Settings</gui>.
Kliknite ikono Bluetooth v <gui>menijski vrstici</gui> in izberite <gui>Nastavitve Bluetooth</gui>.
You can send files to connected Bluetooth devices, such as some mobile phones or other computers. Some types of devices don't allow the transfer of files, or specific types of files. You can send files in one of three ways: using the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar, from the Bluetooth settings window, or directly from the file manager.
Datoteke lahko pošiljate povezanim Bluetooth napravam, kot so mobilni telefoni ter drugi računalniki. Nekatere naprave ne dovolijo prenosa datotek oz. določenih vrst datotek. Datoteke lahko pošiljate na tri načine: uporabite ikono Bluetooth v menijski vrstici, iz okna nastavitev Bluetootha ali neposredno iz upravljalnika datotek.
Click the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar and select <gui>Send Files to Device</gui>.
Kliknite ikono Bluetooth v menijski vrstici in izberite <gui>Pošlji datoteke napravi</gui>.
Click the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar and select <gui>Bluetooth Settings</gui>.
Kliknite ikono Bluetooth v menijski vrstici in izberite <gui>Nastavitve Bluetooth</gui>.
The Bluetooth icon in the menu bar
Ikona Bluetooth v menijski vrstici
You can turn Bluetooth on to use Bluetooth devices and send and receive files, but turn it off to conserve power. To turn Bluetooth on, click the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar and click <gui>Turn On Bluetooth</gui>.
Vklopite lahko Bluetooth, za uporabo Bluetooth naprav ter za pošiljanje in prejemanje datotek ampak izklopite ga za varčevanje energije. Za vklop Bluetootha, kliknite ikono Bluetooth v menijski vrstici in kliknite <gui>Vklopi Bluetooth</gui>.
Many laptop computers have a hardware switch or key combination to turn Bluetooth on and off. If the Bluetooth hardware is turned off, you will not see a Bluetooth icon in the menu bar. Look for a switch on your computer or a key on your keyboard. The keyboard key is often accessed with the help of the <key>Fn</key> key.
Več prenosnih računalnikov ima tipko oz. kombinacijo tipk za vklop/izklop Bluetooth naprave. Če je strojna oprema Bluetooth izklopljena potem ne boste videli ikone Bluetooth v menijski vrstici. Poiščite stikalo na svojem računalniku oz. tipko na svoji tipkovnici. Tipka je pogosto dostopna s pomočjo tipke<key>Fn</key>.
To turn Bluetooth off, click the Bluetooth icon and click <gui>Turn Off Bluetooth</gui>.
Za izklop Bluetootha, kliknite ikono Bluetooth in kliknite <gui>Izklopi Bluetooth</gui>.
Using models such as a CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram is a huge simplification of the human visual system, and real gamuts are expressed as 3D hulls, rather than 2D projections. A 2D projection of a 3D shape can sometimes be misleading, so if you want to see the 3D hull, install <code>gnome-color-manager</code> and then run <code>gcm-viewer</code>.
Uporaba modelov kot je diagram kromatičnosti CIE 1931 je ogromna poenostavitev človeškega vidnega sistema in pravi gamuti so izraženi kot 3D trup namesto 2D projekcije. 2D projekcija 3D oblike je lahko včasih zavajajoča, zato za ogled 3D oblike namestite program <code>gnome-color-manager</code> in nato zaženite <code>gcm-viewer</code>.
If you have already set up Evolution, click the clock on the menu bar and then click the <gui>Add Event</gui> to start adding appointments. As appointments are added, they will appear below the calendar when you click on the clock.
Če ste že nastavili Evolution, kliknite uro na menijski vrstici in nato kliknite <gui>Dodaj dogodek</gui> za dodajanje sestankov. Ko so sestanki dodani, se bodo ob kliku na uro pokazali pod koledarjem.
If you later change your mind, you can get the clock back by clicking the icon in the very right of the menu bar and selecting <gui>System Settings</gui>. In the System section, click <gui>Time &amp; Date</gui>.
Če se premislite, lahko uro vrnete s klikom na ikono skrajno desno na menijski vrstici in izberete <gui>Sistemske nastavitve</gui>. V oddelku Sistem kliknite <gui>Čas in datum</gui>.