Translation status by language


Troubadour CMS is translated with Open permissions.

Sharing Information

This project series is not sharing translations with an Ubuntu source package.


Translation files that are waiting to be imported are shown in the import queue.

To see all the translation templates in development, go to the full list of templates.

Automatic synchronization

This project is currently not using any synchronization with bazaar branches.

Translation status

Language Status Untranslated Needs review Last Changed
Croatian 254 031.90  68.09651474530831% translated  31.903485254691688% untranslated 119 119 0 0 2010-10-08 22:50:50 UTC
Estonian 212 043.16  56.83646112600537% translated  43.16353887399464% untranslated 161 161 4 4 2010-02-25 21:18:32 UTC
Finnish 351 005.90  94.10187667560321% translated  5.898123324396782% untranslated 22 22 0 0 2009-11-10 20:48:26 UTC
French 373 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 0 2012-11-12 09:16:54 UTC
Italian 61 083.65  16.353887399463808% translated  83.6461126005362% untranslated 312 312 17 17 2011-05-01 18:54:01 UTC
Occitan (post 1500) 113 069.71  30.29490616621984% translated  69.70509383378017% untranslated 260 260 0 0 2010-05-22 16:12:55 UTC
Polish 206 044.77  55.22788203753352% translated  44.77211796246649% untranslated 167 167 10 10 2009-09-03 08:09:50 UTC
Portuguese 4 098.93  1.0723860589812333% translated  98.92761394101876% untranslated 369 369 0 0 2010-04-19 13:15:51 UTC
Serbian 42 088.74  11.26005361930295% translated  88.73994638069705% untranslated 331 331 0 0 2011-08-22 08:19:17 UTC
Slovak 11 097.05  2.949061662198391% translated  97.05093833780161% untranslated 362 362 0 0 2010-10-01 23:40:21 UTC
Swedish 44 088.20  11.796246648793565% translated  88.20375335120644% untranslated 329 329 0 0 2009-09-03 08:10:27 UTC
Key to this table: “Unchanged” means Translated
and “untranslated” means just that, Untranslated