Translation overview

Translation details

Launchpad currently recommends translating transmission-remote-dotnet trunk series.

To see all the translation files that are waiting to be imported, please look at transmission-remote-dotnet import queue.


transmission-remote-dotnet is translated with Open permissions.

All translatable series

Translation for trunk

Language Status Untranslated Needs review Last Changed
Chinese (Simplified) 7 098.17  1.8276762402088773% translated  98.17232375979113% untranslated 376 376 0 0 2010-06-05 08:49:00 UTC
French 6 098.43  1.5665796344647518% translated  98.43342036553526% untranslated 377 377 0 0 2010-04-21 21:41:24 UTC
Hungarian 27 092.95  7.049608355091384% translated  92.95039164490862% untranslated 356 356 0 0 2010-07-27 22:17:43 UTC
Russian 212 044.65  55.35248041775457% translated  44.64751958224543% untranslated 171 171 1 1 2013-10-22 08:38:08 UTC
Serbian 14 096.34  3.6553524804177546% translated  96.34464751958225% untranslated 369 369 0 0 2013-06-15 07:07:52 UTC
Slovak 7 098.17  1.8276762402088773% translated  98.17232375979113% untranslated 376 376 0 0 2010-03-10 15:02:24 UTC
Turkish 20 094.78  5.221932114882506% translated  94.7780678851175% untranslated 363 363 0 0 2010-05-14 18:55:23 UTC
Key to this table: “Unchanged” means Translated
and “untranslated” means just that, Untranslated