Browsing Slovak translation

918 of 98 results
Found are the three ways of Bablon:1. FEAR- It eats itself like a snake down a hill and finds nourishment there.The bigger it gets the more it eats until it is everywhere.2. GREED- Unlike fear it shrinks until the snake is something small and despicable.Smelling like a torch when mixed with hair.3. VANITY- Is the snake thinking he has strong legs that can jump the stream. He floats belly-up when caught in this snare.
Sú tri veci na ktoré si musíme dávať pozor:
1.STRACH - Čím viac sa budeme báť, tým viac ho bude.
2.CHAMTIVOSŤ - Keď sa jej podvolíme, nikdy jej nebude dosť.
3.MÁRNIVOSŤ - Môže nás stáť celý majetok.
Translated and reviewed by Vendelín Slezák
I will share with you my comings and goings if you will listen.You will join me on these journeys if you hasten. We will perish if you do not.Bredbad, having no point of reference but himself, begat Bridabrack the Literal.
Robíte dobre keď budete dodržiavať tieto rady. Zahyniete ak tak nebudete robiť. Toto zapísal Bridabrak.
Translated and reviewed by Vendelín Slezák
Who begat Bickback. Bickback was thin for his age and his peers mocked him for the purple and green skin splotches that covered his body.
Bertbert spravil Bikbaka. Bikbak bol chudý a jeho rovesníci sa mu posmievali že má na tele zelené a fialové škvrny.
Translated and reviewed by Vendelín Slezák
Once a large crowd of descendants of Bertbert had formed, poor Bickback was made to sit in the back.
Raz sa ich zbehol veľký dav a zhodli sa že Bikbak bol zle vytvorený a že by sa mal vrátiť nazad do hliny z ktorej bol vyrobený.
Translated and reviewed by Vendelín Slezák
He tried to hide his sadness by pretending to enjoy the back of the crowd. It was there that he met the rest of the back of the crowd. They were pitiful beings suffering from physical maladies almost as bad as his splotches.
Bikbak bol z toho smutný ale snažil sa to skryť a tak odbehol preč na koniec davu. Stretol sa tam zo zvyškom davu kde boli bytosti ktoré mali podobné postihy podobne zlé ako boli jeho škvrny.
Translated and reviewed by Vendelín Slezák
A distant cousin named Hiface offered to stand behind Bickback so that it would seem like he was not in the absolute back of the crowd, but Bickback chose to emulate the cruelty of the rest of the group by pointing out Hiface's abnormality - a tiny second head growing from his palm. He sang a song about a thing with a thing hiding in its palm. Everyone laughed at Hiface for a while, and praised Bickback for his entertaining and funny verse.
Jeho vzdialený bratranec Hifac mu poradil že aby sa vrátil späť do veľkého davu, že nevyzerá tak zle, ale Bikbak sa zatvrdil a rozhodol sa že Hifaca zosmiešni z jeho postihu - Hifac mal v dlani čosi ako druhú hlavu. Bikbak začal spievať pieseň o tom čo sa skrýva v jeho dlani. Všetci sa na tom smiali a hovorili Bikbakovi že to zveršoval dobre.
Translated and reviewed by Vendelín Slezák
Hiface confronted Bickback regarding this display of cruelty, but Bickback sang the song again until Hiface ran home crying.
Hifacovi sa to vôbec nepáčilo ale Bikbak spieval pieseň znovu až Hifac z plačom bežal domov.
Translated and reviewed by Vendelín Slezák
The crowd acknowledged that Bickback was witty, but they still could not let him go to the front of the crowd because of those awful splotches. This gave Bickback an idea.
Všetci naokolo uznali že Bikbak bol vtipný ale nemohol ísť na predok davu lebo mal tie hrozné škvrny. Vtom dostal Bikbak nápad.
Translated and reviewed by Vendelín Slezák
One morning Bickback went to great lengths to hide his splotches. Using some dust, he coated himself, until finally his peers found him beautiful. They quickly escorted him to the front of the crowd where he was commanded to write more songs about the beings in the back of the crowd. Bickback wrote songs of cruelty and prejudice about them all.
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Jedno ráno išiel ku miestu kde bol prach a potieral si ním telo dokiaľ škvrny nezmizli. Potom uznali že je pekný a mohol ísť na predok davu. Tam mu prikázali aby napísal viac piesní o tých vzadu aké majú postihy. A tak Bikbak písal piesne o všetkých ale boli to zlé piesne plné škaredých vecí.
Translated and reviewed by Vendelín Slezák
All, that is, except for one in the back row. He hoped that the front of the crowd would not notice that he was intentionally overlooking his brother, Lytle, who was retarded and therefore, the most back of the whole back row. But, alas, someone noticed,
O všetkých okrem jedného. Bol to jeho brat Lytle ktorý bol retardovaný a tak bol až na úplnom konci davu. Žiaľ raz si ho niekto všimol,
Translated and reviewed by Vendelín Slezák
918 of 98 results

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Contributors to this translation: Vendelín Slezák.