Translations by MerlinSVK

MerlinSVK has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

14 of 4 results
Keep in contact with Pidgin
Udržujte sa v kontakte s Pidginom
With <b>Pidgin IM</b>, moonOS keeps you connected right from the start. It works with all the major instant messaging networks, including Google Talk, Windows Live and Yahoo!.
S <em>Pidginom</em>, vás moonOS pripojí hneď od začiatku. Funguje so všetkými hlavnými sieťami okamžitých správ (IM), vrátane Google Talk, Windows Live a Yahoo!.
You can be chatting with friends on MSN, talking to a friend on Google Talk, and sitting in a Yahoo chat room all at the same time.
V rovnakom čase môžete chatovať s priateľmi na MSN, zhovárať sa so známym na Google Talk a sedieť v Yahoo chatovacej miestnosti.
Choose Pidgin from the Internet Applications menu to set up your accounts.
Zvoľte Pidgin v ponuke Internetových aplikácií, aby ste si nastavili účty.