Details for Vietnamese translation

Translation file details

  • Vietnamese
Lê Trường An
For: 2.1
Translation group:
GNU Mailman translators
Project group: GNU Mailman Suite
Translation policy: Closed
Plural forms: 1
Plural expression:


Messages: 1481
Translated: 1318 (88.99392302498312%)
Untranslated: 163 (11.00607697501688%)
Shared between Ubuntu and upstream: 1314 (88.7238352464551%)
Translated differently between Ubuntu and upstream: 4 (0.2700877785280216%)
Only translated on this side: 0 (0.0%)
011.01  88.99392302498312% translated  11.00607697501688% untranslated

Contributors to this translation

The following people have made some contribution to this specific translation: