Translatable applications

There are no translatable projects in Linaro Infrastructure.

If a project for Linaro Infrastructure is not listed here, get in touch with Linaro Automation & Validation Drivers who is the administrator for the project group.

Linaro Infrastructure is translated with Open permissions.

Translatable projects

Other projects in Linaro Infrastructure

These projects are not yet set up for translation in Launchpad.

Linaro AWS Tools
Linaro AWS Tools
Jenkins Plugin Shell Status
Jenkins Plugin Shell Status
Linaro Android Mirror
Linaro Android Mirror
Linaro CI runtime
Linaro CI runtime
Linaro patch metrics
Linaro patch metrics
Linaro Android Build Tools
Linaro Android Build Tools
Linaro Infrastructure Misc
Linaro Infrastructure Misc
Linaro Jenkins
Linaro Jenkins
Linaro Android Infrastructure
Linaro Android Infrastructure
Linaro Android Frontend
Linaro Android Frontend
Linaro Android Gerrit Support
Linaro Android Gerrit Support
Linaro CI CLI
Linaro CI CLI
Linaro CI
Linaro CI
Linaro Image Tools
Linaro Image Tools
Linaro Fetch Image
Linaro Fetch Image