Translations by Miha Gašperšič

Miha Gašperšič has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

18 of 8 results
The team behind the Ubuntu and <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> projects makes the following commitments to its users:
Ekipa, ki stoji za projektoma Ubuntu in <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase>, svojim uporabnikom zagotavlja naslednje:
<phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> will always utilize the solid base of the Ubuntu project plus the latest from the <acronym>KDE</acronym> project. As part of the Ubuntu project and community, <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> will continue to use the infrastructure and support that the Ubuntu project offers. We will strive to be the best <acronym>KDE</acronym>-based Linux distribution available.
<phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> bo vedno uporabljal zanesljivo osnovo projekta Ubuntu, nadgrajeno z najnovejšim, kar ponuja projekt <phrase>KDE</phrase>. Kot del projekta in skupnosti Ubuntu bo <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> še naprej uporabljal infrastrukturo in podporo, ki jo ponuja projekt Ubuntu. Poskušamo biti najboljša distribucija Linuxa s <phrase>KDE</phrase>-jevim namizjem in programsko opremo.
<phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> will always include the best translations and accessibility infrastructure that the free software community has to offer to make <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> usable by as many people as possible.
<phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> bo vselej vseboval najboljše prevode in infrastrukturo dostopnosti, ki ju lahko ponudi skupnost prostih programov, da bi postal uporaben za toliko ljudi kot je le mogoče.
<phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> will always be committed to the principles of free software and open source development; we shall encourage people to use free and open source software, improve it and pass it on.
<phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> bo vedno predan osnovam proste programske opreme in odprto kodnega razvoja; ljudi bomo vzpodbujali, da uporabljali prosto in odprto kodno programsko opremo, jo izboljševali in predajali naprej.
While the <acronym>KDE</acronym> desktop is different from <phrase>GNOME</phrase>, all <phrase>GNOME</phrase> applications will be integrated into the <acronym>KDE</acronym> menu system.
<phrase>KDE</phrase>-jevo namizje je sicer res drugačno od <phrase>GNOME</phrase>, vendar pa bodo vsi <phrase>GNOME</phrase>-ovi programi vključeni v <phrase>KDE</phrase>-jev sistem menijev.
Users wanting to try <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> may be concerned that <acronym>KDE</acronym> will become their only desktop once it is installed. This is not so. While there are good reasons for <acronym>KDE</acronym> to be the desktop of choice, both desktop session types can be run after installing <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase>. Furthermore, during the installation, there is a choice between using the <application>GNOME Display Manager</application> (<acronym>GDM</acronym>) or the <application>KDE Display Manager</application> (<acronym>KDM</acronym>) as the login manager. Either display manager will work equally well.
Uporabnike, ki bi radi preizkusili <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase>, morda skrbi, da bo po namestitvi <phrase>KDE Plasma</phrase> postalo edino namizje. Temu ni tako. Čeprav obstajajo dobri razlogi za izbiro <phrase>KDE Plasma</phrase> kot glavnega namizja, sta po namestitvi <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> še vedno na voljo obe namizji. Poleg tega je med namestitvijo ponujena možnost izbire med upravljalnikoma prijav <application>KDE Display Manager</application> (<acronym>KDM</acronym>) in <application>GNOME Display Manager</application> (<acronym>GDM</acronym>). Oba delujeta enako dobro.
After installation, either <phrase>GNOME</phrase> or <acronym>KDE</acronym> session types can be run, so users are free to try either, switching based on personal preference. The only noticeable difference is the artwork displayed before login.
Po namestivi lahko zaženete sejo z namizjem <phrase>KDE</phrase> ali <phrase>GNOME</phrase>, tako da uporabniki lahko preizkusijo oba in med njima preklapljajo glede na svoj okus. Najbolj opazna je razlika v videzu prijavnega zaslona.
To install <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase>'s Plasma Desktop, the <application>kubuntu-desktop</application> package must be installed. To install <phrase>Ubuntu</phrase>'s <phrase>GNOME</phrase> desktop, the <application>ubuntu-desktop</application> package is required.
Za namestitev namizja <phrase>KDE Plasma</phrase>, morate namestiti paket <application>kubuntu-desktop</application>. Za namestitev namizja <phrase>GNOME</phrase> pa je potreben paket <application>ubuntu-desktop</application>.