Browsing Galician translation

2029 of 285 results
This way is not connected to the rest of the map
Esta vía non esta conectada á meirande parte do mapa
Translated and reviewed by Iváns
This crossing of a highway and a railway needs to be tagged as railway=crossing or railway=level_crossing
Este cruzamento da estrada e vía ferroviaria precisa ser etiquetado coma 'railway=crossing' ou 'railway=level_crossing'
Translated and reviewed by Iváns
There are ways in different layers coming together in this railway crossing
Hai vías en diferentes capas chegando xuntas cara este cruzamento de vía ferroviaria
Translated and reviewed by Iváns
There are ways tagged as tunnel or bridge coming together in this railway crossing
Hai vías etiquetadas coma túnel ou ponte chegando xuntas a este cruzamento de vía ferroviaria
Translated and reviewed by Iváns
This $1 is fixme-tagged: $2
full mesage: "This way is fixme-tagged: fixme=yes"
Este $1 está etiquetado co 'arránxame' (fixme): $2
Translated and reviewed by Iváns
This relation has no type tag, which is mandatory for relations
Esta relación non ten etiqueta de tipo, a cal é obrigatoria para as relacións
Translated and reviewed by Iváns
This $1 intersects the $2 #$3 but there is no junction node
full message: "This highway intersects the waterway #17..."
Esta $1 fai intersección con $2 #$3 pero $1 non está en modo cruzamento ('junction')
Translated and reviewed by Iváns
This $1 intersects the $2 #$3
full message: "This highway intersects the waterway #17"
Esta $1 fai intersección con $2 #$3
Translated and reviewed by Iváns
This $1 overlaps the $2 #$3
full message: "This highway overlaps the waterway #17..."
Este $1 sobreponse a $2 #$3
Translated and reviewed by Iváns
This way contains node #$1 $2 times. This may or may not be an error
Este camiño contén $2 veces ó nó #$1. Isto pode ser ou non un erro
Translated and reviewed by Iváns
2029 of 285 results

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Contributors to this translation: Iváns.