Translation status

Owner: Spomky


Fusible is translated with Open permissions.

Sharing Information

This template is not sharing translations with a template in an Ubuntu source package .

View sharing details
Language Status Untranslated Need review Changed Last Edited By
Albanian 091.37  8.633093525179856% translated  91.36690647482014% untranslated 127 127 0 0 2009-06-03 17:37:13 UTC Spomky
Brazilian Portuguese 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2010-09-02 10:42:50 UTC Matheus Cavalcante
Catalan 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2012-05-02 18:05:48 UTC Marc Coll Carrillo
Cherokee 100.00  100.0% untranslated 139 139 0 0
Chinese (Simplified) 076.98  23.021582733812952% translated  76.97841726618705% untranslated 107 107 0 0 2009-06-03 17:37:19 UTC Spomky
Dakota 100.00  100.0% untranslated 139 139 0 0
French 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2009-09-01 13:45:57 UTC Djedail
German 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2012-03-26 19:43:18 UTC Sascha
Hawaiian 100.00  100.0% untranslated 139 139 0 0
Hebrew 072.66  27.33812949640288% translated  72.66187050359713% untranslated 101 101 0 0 2009-10-15 21:54:10 UTC Ddorda
Inuktitut 100.00  100.0% untranslated 139 139 0 0
Italian 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2011-02-14 16:59:35 UTC Omar Inverso
Lakota 100.00  100.0% untranslated 139 139 0 0
Latvian 083.45  16.546762589928058% translated  83.45323741007195% untranslated 116 116 0 0 2009-06-03 17:36:23 UTC Kristaps
Louisiana French 100.00  100.0% untranslated 139 139 0 0
Norwegian Bokmal 081.29  18.705035971223023% translated  81.29496402877699% untranslated 113 113 0 0 2009-07-23 23:10:51 UTC Spomky
Occitan (post 1500) 092.81  7.194244604316546% translated  92.80575539568345% untranslated 129 129 0 0 2010-05-07 13:47:00 UTC
Ojibwe 100.00  100.0% untranslated 139 139 0 0
Pennsylvania German 100.00  100.0% untranslated 139 139 0 0
Polish 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2011-02-19 16:15:24 UTC Adam Czabara
Portuguese 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2012-03-11 20:56:17 UTC Filipe Boleto
Spanish 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2009-09-25 19:58:26 UTC DiegoJ
Swedish 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2011-09-04 21:40:15 UTC mas4er
Tlingit 100.00  100.0% untranslated 139 139 0 0
Yiddish 100.00  100.0% untranslated 139 139 0 0
Key to this table: “Unchanged” means Translated
and “untranslated” means just that, Untranslated