Translatable applications

There are no translatable projects in Canonical Certification Lab.

If a project for Canonical Certification Lab is not listed here, get in touch with Canonical Hardware Certification who is the administrator for the project group.

Canonical Certification Lab is translated with Open permissions.

Translatable projects

Other projects in Canonical Certification Lab

These projects are not yet set up for translation in Launchpad.

Canonical Certification Tool Box
Canonical Certification Tool Box
Canonical Certification Mini CI (legacy)
Canonical Certification Mini CI (legacy)
Canonical Certification SRU Review Tools
Canonical Certification SRU Review Tools
Canonical Certification SRU Pool
Canonical Certification SRU Pool
Canonical Certification Pool Controller
Canonical Certification Pool Controller
Testflinger Cookbook
Testflinger Cookbook
OEM OOBE Automation
OEM OOBE Automation
Canonical Certification Lab Manager
Canonical Certification Lab Manager
Pool Controller
Pool Controller
Canonical Certification SRU Reporter
Canonical Certification SRU Reporter
Canonical Certification C3 CLI
Canonical Certification C3 CLI