Translations by Gema Aji Wardian
Gema Aji Wardian has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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1. |
2016-01-29 |
2. |
Diagnose the boot of the computer
2016-01-29 |
Diagnosa keadaan boot dari komputer
3. |
Create a report about the boot of the computer
2016-01-29 |
Buat laporan tentang boot dari komputer
4. |
Local report (text file)
2016-01-29 |
Laporan lokal (berkas teks)
5. |
Online report (pastebin URL)
2016-01-29 |
Laporan Online (URL pastebin)
6. |
${APPNAME}, simple tool to diagnose the boot of the computer
2016-01-29 |
${APPNAME}, alat yang simple untuk mendiagnosa boot dari komputer
7. |
Easy-to-use (1 click ! )
2016-01-29 |
Mudah digunakan (hanya 1 klik!)
8. |
Helpful (helps to get help by email or on your favorite forum)
2016-01-29 |
Bermanfaat (memudahkan untuk mendapatkan bantuan oleh email atau forum favorit anda)
9. |
Launch ${APPNAME}, then choose the type of report you prefer (either local or online).
2016-01-29 |
Jalankan ${APPNAME}, lalu pilih tipe laporan yang anda inginkan (lokal atau online).
10. |
Boot Repair
2016-01-29 |
Perbaiki Boot