Translations by Agostino Russo
Agostino Russo has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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79. |
Please select username and password for the new account
2008-03-02 |
Vælg venligst brugernavn og kodeord for den nye konto
90. |
Please use all lower cases in the username.
2008-03-02 |
Brug kun små bogstaver i dit brugernavn.
91. |
Please do not use spaces in the username.
2008-03-02 |
Brug venligst ikke mellemrum i dit brugernavn.
96. |
Please do not use spaces in the password.
2008-03-02 |
Brug venligst ikke mellemrum i dit kode.
97. |
Passwords do not match.
2008-03-02 |
Kodeordene matcher ikke hinanden.
106. |
2008-03-02 |