Browsing Afrikaans translation

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1423 of 103 results
The URI which identifies the document
(no translation yet)
Located in ../libyelp/yelp-document.c:290
Search results for “%s
Soek resultate vir "%s"
Translated and reviewed by Bernard Stafford
Located in libyelp/yelp-document.c:1068
No matching help pages found in “%s”.
Geen bypassende hulp bladsye gevind in nie "%s"
Translated and reviewed by Bernard Stafford
Located in libyelp/yelp-document.c:1080
No matching help pages found.
Geen bypassende hulp bladsye gevind in nie
Translated and reviewed by Bernard Stafford
Located in libyelp/yelp-document.c:1086
An unknown error occurred.
'n Onbekende fout het voorgekom.
Translated by Friedel Wolff
Located in libyelp/yelp-error.c:35
All Help Documents
Alle Hulp Dokumente
Translated by Le Bourhis Mikaël
Reviewed by Bernard Stafford
Located in libyelp/yelp-help-list.c:548 libyelp/yelp-help-list.c:557
The file ‘%s’ could not be parsed because it is not a well-formed info page.
Die lêer ‘%s’ kon nie ontleed word nie, want dit is nie 'n goed gevormde "info"-bladsy nie.
Translated by Friedel Wolff
Located in libyelp/yelp-info-document.c:383
The directory ‘%s’ does not exist.
Die gids ‘%s’ bestaan nie.
Translated by Friedel Wolff
Located in libyelp/yelp-mallard-document.c:348
Translated by Friedel Wolff
Located in ../libyelp/yelp-search-entry.c:172
A YelpView instance to control
(no translation yet)
Located in ../libyelp/yelp-search-entry.c:173
1423 of 103 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Afrikaans Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Bernard Stafford, Chris Mostert, Friedel Wolff, Jane Weideman, Jonathan Carter, Le Bourhis Mikaël, Zuza Software Foundation.