Translations by Bernard Stafford
Bernard Stafford has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
23. |
It was impossible to install a required package. Please report this as a bug using 'ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core' in a terminal.
2019-08-06 |
Dit was onmoontlik om 'n vereiste pakket te installeer. Rapporteer dit as 'n fout met 'ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrade-core' in 'n terminale.
25. |
Your system does not contain a %s or %s package and it was not possible to detect which version of Ubuntu you are running.
Please install one of the packages above first using synaptic or apt-get before proceeding.
2019-08-06 |
U stelsel bevat nie 'n %s of %s pakket en dit was nie moontlik om te bepaal watter weergawe van Ubuntu u gebruik nie.
Installeer eers een van die pakkette hierbo met behulp van sinaptic of apt-get voordat u verder gaan.
35. |
If you run a firewall, you may need to temporarily open this port. As this is potentially dangerous it's not done automatically. You can open the port with e.g.:
2019-08-06 |
As u 'n firewall bestuur, moet u hierdie poort dalk tydelik oopmaak. Aangesien dit potensieel gevaarlik is, word dit nie outomaties gedoen nie. U kan die hawe oopmaak met bv .:
43. |
Can not write to '%s'
2019-08-06 |
Kan nie skryf aan nie '%s'
44. |
Its not possible to write to the system directory '%s' on your system. The upgrade can not continue.
Please make sure that the system directory is writable.
2019-08-06 |
Dit is nie moontlik om na die stelselgids te skryf nie '%s' op u stelsel. Die opgradering kan nie voortgaan nie.
Maak seker dat die stelselgids skryfbaar is.
47. |
Not for humans during development stage of release %s
2019-08-06 |
Nie vir mense tydens die ontwikkelingsfase van vrylating nie %s
50. |
While scanning your repository information no mirror entry for the upgrade was found. This can happen if you run an internal mirror or if the mirror information is out of date.
Do you want to rewrite your 'sources.list' file anyway? If you choose 'Yes' here it will update all '%s' to '%s' entries.
If you select 'No' the upgrade will cancel.
2019-08-06 |
Daar is geen spieëlinskrywing vir die opgradering gevind tydens die skandering van u bewaarplek nie. Dit kan gebeur as u 'n interne spieël het, of as die spieëlinligting verouderd is.
Wil u u 'sources.list'-lêer in elk geval herskryf? As u 'Ja' hier kies, sal dit alles opgedateer word '%s' te '%s' inskrywings.
As u 'Nee' kies, sal die opgradering gekanselleer word.
51. |
Generate default sources?
2019-08-06 |
Genereer standaardbronne?
52. |
After scanning your 'sources.list' no valid entry for '%s' was found.
Should default entries for '%s' be added? If you select 'No', the upgrade will cancel.
2019-08-06 |
Na die skandering van u 'sources.list' is geen geldige inskrywing vir '% s' gevind nie.
Moet standaardinskrywings vir '% s' bygevoeg word? As u 'Nee' kies, sal die opgradering gekanselleer word.
54. |
Upgrading the repository information resulted in a invalid file so a bug reporting process is being started.
2019-08-06 |
Die opdatering van die inligting oor die bewaarplek het gelei tot 'n ongeldige lêer, sodat 'n foutrapporteringsproses begin word.
55. |
Upgrading the repository information resulted in a invalid file. To report a bug install apport and then execute 'apport-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader'.
2019-08-06 |
Die opdatering van die inligting oor die bewaarplek het gelei tot 'n ongeldige lêer. Om 'n foutinstallasie-apport aan te meld en dan 'apport-bug ubuntu-release-upgrade' uit te voer.
59. |
The package '%s' is in an inconsistent state and needs to be reinstalled, but no archive can be found for it. Please reinstall the package manually or remove it from the system.
The packages '%s' are in an inconsistent state and need to be reinstalled, but no archive can be found for them. Please reinstall the packages manually or remove them from the system.
2019-08-06 |
Die pakket '% s' is in 'n inkonsekwente toestand en moet weer geïnstalleer word, maar daar is geen argief daarvoor nie. Installeer die pakket asseblief weer handmatig of verwyder dit van die stelsel af.
Die pakkette '% s' is in 'n inkonsekwente toestand en moet weer geïnstalleer word, maar daar is geen argief daarvoor nie. Installeer asseblief die pakkette weer met die hand of verwyder dit van die stelsel af.
64. |
Remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt clean'.
2019-08-06 |
Verwyder tydelike pakkette van voormalige installasies met behulp van 'sudo apt clean'.
65. |
You can remove old kernels using 'sudo apt autoremove' and you could also set COMPRESS=xz in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf to reduce the size of your initramfs.
2019-08-06 |
Jy kan ou korrels verwyder met behulp van 'sudo apt autoremove' en jy kan ook stel COMPRESS=xz in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf om die grootte van jou initramfs.
66. |
Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.
2019-08-06 |
Leë jou asblik en verwyder tydelike pakkette van die voormalige installasies met behulp van 'sudo apt-get clean'.
67. |
Reboot to clean up files in /tmp.
2019-08-06 |
Herlaai om lêers skoon te maak in/tmp.
71. |
The upgrade will cancel now and the original system state will be restored. You can resume the upgrade at a later time.
2019-08-06 |
Die opgradering sal nou kanselleer en die oorspronklike Stelselstatus sal teruggelaai word. Jy kan die opgradering op 'n later slag hervat.
73. |
The upgrade has aborted. Please check your Internet connection or installation media and try again. All files downloaded so far have been kept.
2019-08-06 |
Die opgradering is gestaak. Kontroleer asseblief jou internetverbinding of installeringmedia en probeer weer. Alle lêers wat tot dusver afgelaai is, is behou.
74. |
Error during commit
2019-08-06 |
Fout. tydens pleeg
77. |
The upgrade has aborted. Your system could be in an unusable state. A recovery will run now (dpkg --configure -a).
2019-08-06 |
Die opgradering is gestaak. Jou stelsel kan in 'n onbruikbare staat wees. 'N herstel sal nou loop (dpkg --configure -a).
78. |
Please report this bug in a browser at and attach the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ to the bug report.
2019-08-06 |
Meld asseblief hierdie fout in 'n blaaier by and attach the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ to the bug report.
79. |
The upgrade has aborted. Please check your Internet connection or installation media and try again.
2019-08-06 |
Die opgradering is gestaak. Kontroleer asseblief jou internetverbinding of installeringmedia en probeer weer.
84. |
Required depends is not installed
2019-08-06 |
Vereiste depends is nie geïnstalleer
85. |
The required dependency '%s' is not installed.
2019-08-06 |
Die vereiste afhanklikheid '%s' is nie geïnstalleer.
88. |
Preparing the system for the upgrade failed so a bug reporting process is being started.
2019-08-06 |
Voorbereiding van die stelsel vir die opgradering het misluk sodat 'n foutverslagproses begin word.
89. |
Preparing the system for the upgrade failed. To report a bug install apport and then execute 'apport-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader'.
2019-08-06 |
Voorbereiding van die stelsel vir die opgradering het misluk. Om 'n foutinstallasieapport te rapporteer en dan uit te voer 'apport-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader'.
90. |
Getting upgrade prerequisites failed
2019-08-06 |
Om opgradering prerequisites gefaal
91. |
The system was unable to get the prerequisites for the upgrade. The upgrade will abort now and restore the original system state.
Additionally, a bug reporting process is being started.
2019-08-07 |
Die stelsel kon nie die vereistes vir die opgradering kry nie. Die opgradering sal nou staak en die oorspronklike Stelselstatus herstel.
Daar benewens word 'n bug verslagproses begin.
92. |
The system was unable to get the prerequisites for the upgrade. The upgrade will abort now and restore the original system state.
To report a bug install apport and then execute 'apport-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader'.
2019-08-07 |
Die stelsel kon nie die vereistes vir die opgradering kry nie. Die opgradering sal nou staak en die oorspronklike Stelsel status herstel.
Om 'n bug install apport te rapporteer en dan execute
94. |
Failed to add the cdrom
2019-08-07 |
Gefaal te voeg die cdrom
95. |
Sorry, adding the cdrom was not successful.
2019-08-07 |
Jammer, toevoeging die cdrom was nie geslaagd.
97. |
After updating your package information, the essential package '%s' could not be located. This may be because you have no official mirrors listed in your software sources, or because of excessive load on the mirror you are using. See /etc/apt/sources.list for the current list of configured software sources.
In the case of an overloaded mirror, you may want to try the upgrade again later.
2019-08-07 |
Na die opdatering van jou pakket inligting, die noodsaaklike pakket '%s' kon nie gelokaliseer word nie. Dit kan wees omdat jy het geen amptelike spieëls wat in jou sagteware bronne, of as gevolg van oormatige las op die spieël jy gebruik. Sien /etc/apt/sources.list vir die huidige lys van gekonfigureerde sagteware bronne.
In die geval van 'n oorlaaide spieël, wil jy dalk later die opgradering probeer.
101. |
The upgrade has completed but there were errors during the upgrade process.
2019-08-07 |
Die opgradering is voltooi, maar daar was foute tydens die opgraderingsproses.
105. |
Could not find the release notes
2019-08-07 |
Kan nie vind die Vrystelling notas
107. |
Could not download the release notes
2019-08-07 |
Kan nie Laai die Vrystelling notas af
109. |
authenticate '%(file)s' against '%(signature)s'
2019-08-07 |
outentiseer '%(file)s' teen '%(signature)s'
110. |
extracting '%s'
2019-08-07 |
ekstraheer '%s'
112. |
This is most likely a bug in the upgrade tool. Please report it as a bug using the command 'ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core'.
2019-08-07 |
Dit is waarskynlik 'n bug in die opgraderingsmiddel. Meld dit asseblief as 'n bug met behulp van die opdrag 'ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core'.
113. |
Upgrade tool signature
2019-08-08 |
Opgradering gereedskap handtekening
115. |
Failed to fetch
2019-08-08 |
Gefaal te fetch
116. |
Fetching the upgrade failed. There may be a network problem.
2019-08-08 |
Fetching die opgradering het misluk. Daar kan dalk 'n netwerk probleem.
119. |
Failed to extract
2019-08-08 |
Gefaal te onttrek
120. |
Extracting the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server.
2019-08-08 |
Ekstraheer van die opgradering gefaal. Daar kan dalk 'n probleem met die netwerk of met die bediener.
124. |
This usually is caused by a system where /tmp is mounted noexec. Please remount without noexec and run the upgrade again.
2019-08-08 |
Dit word gewoonlik veroorsaak deur 'n stelsel waar /tmp is gemonteer noexec. Herbou re-berg sonder noexe en hardloop die opgradering weer.
126. |
2019-08-08 |
127. |
2019-08-08 |
128. |
Release Notes
2019-08-08 |
Vrystelling Notas
135. |
Your graphics hardware may not be fully supported in Ubuntu 14.04.
2019-08-08 |
Jou grafika apparatuur is dalk nie ten volle ondersteun in Ubuntu 14.04.
136. |
Running the 'unity' desktop environment is not fully supported by your graphics hardware. You will maybe end up in a very slow environment after the upgrade. Our advice is to keep the LTS version for now. For more information see Do you still want to continue with the upgrade?
2019-08-08 |
Die uitvoer van die 'unity' Desktop omgewing is nie ten volle ondersteun word deur jou grafiese hardeware. Jy kan eindig in 'n baie stadige omgewing na die opgrader. Ons advies is om die LTS weergawe vir nou te hou. Vir meer inligting, sien Wil jy steeds voortgaan met die opgrader?
137. |
Your graphics hardware may not be fully supported in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
2019-08-08 |
Jou grafikahardeware is dalk nie ten volle ondersteun in Ubuntu 12,04 LTS nie.