Translations by Hans Joachim Desserud

Hans Joachim Desserud has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
You can try ${RELEASE} without making any changes to your computer, directly from this ${MEDIUM}.
Du kan prøve ${RELEASE} uten å lagre noen endringer til din maskin, direkte fra ${MEDIUM}.
Connecting this computer to a wi-fi network allows you to install third-party software, download updates, automatically detect your timezone, and install full support for your language.
Ved å koble datamaskinen til et trådløst nettverk kan du laste ned tredjepartsprogrammer, oppdateringer, fullstendig språkstøtte og la systemet oppdage tidssonen din automatisk.