Translations by Paul Nel
Paul Nel has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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11. |
Always use the location entry, instead of the pathbar
2006-11-07 |
Gebruik altyd die liggings inskrywing as die roetebalk
12. |
If set to true, then Nautilus browser windows will always use a textual input entry for the location toolbar, instead of the pathbar.
2006-11-07 |
Indien waar sal die Nautilus leser vensters altyd teks invoer gebruik vir die liggingsnusbalk in plaas van die roetebalk
86. |
Network Servers icon visible on the desktop
2006-11-07 |
Netwerkbedieners ikoon sigbaar op werkskerm
154. |
_Move Here
2006-11-07 |
_Verskuif Hier
155. |
_Copy Here
2006-11-07 |
_Kopieer Hier
156. |
_Link Here
2006-11-07 |
_Koppel Hier
237. |
2006-10-31 |
245. |
S_kip All
2006-11-07 |
Slaan Almal Oor
488. |
2006-11-07 |
866. |
_Paste Into Folder
2006-11-07 |
_Plak in Gids