Error found when loading $CONFIG_FILE:
Chyba počas načítavania $CONFIG_FILE:
Translated by
Jakub Šimo
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As a result the session will not be configured correctly.
You should fix the problem as soon as feasible.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
V dôsledku toho nebude relácia správne konfigurovaná.
Problém by ste mali odstrániť čo najskôr.
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does not exist, so create it
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Temporary Guest Session
Dočasná relácia pre hosťa
Translated and reviewed by
Pavol Klačanský
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All data created during this guest session will be deleted
when you log out, and settings will be reset to defaults.
Please save files on some external device, for instance a
USB stick, if you would like to access them again later.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Všetky dáta a nastavenia vytvorené pod týmto účtom
budú zmazané po vašom odhlásení.
Všetky dáta ku ktorým chcete mať prístup aj neskôr si
preto uložte na externé zariadenie, napr. USB kľúč.
Translated and reviewed by
Pavol Klačanský
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Another alternative is to save files in the
/var/guest-data folder.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Ďaľšia možnosť je uloženie dát do
priečinka /var/guest-data.
Translated and reviewed by
Pavol Klačanský
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Use configuration file
Help string for command line --config flag
Použije konfiguračný súbor
Translated and reviewed by
Peter Mráz
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Print debugging messages
Help string for command line --debug flag
Vypíše správy ladenia
Translated and reviewed by
Peter Mráz
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Run as unprivileged user, skipping things that require root access
Help string for command line --test-mode flag
Spustí sa pod neprivilegovaným používateľom a preskočí veci, ktoré vyžadujú používateľa root
Translated and reviewed by
Peter Mráz
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File to write PID into
Help string for command line --pid-file flag
Súbor, do ktorého sa má zapísať identifikátor procesu
Translated and reviewed by
Peter Mráz
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