Translations by Akira Tanaka

Akira Tanaka has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13 of 3 results
Usually this is related to an error in your software archive or software manager. Check your preferences in Software Sources (click the icon at the very right of the top bar and select "System Settings... -> Software Sources").
If you need to type in languages, which require more complex input methods than just a simple key to letter mapping, you may want to enable this function. For example, you will need this function for typing Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Vietnamese. The recommended value for Ubuntu is "IBus". If you want to use alternative input method systems, install the corresponding packages first and then choose the desired system here.
ただ単純に文字マッピング通りにキーを押すよりも複雑なインプットメソッドを要する言語を入力する場合、この機能を有効にする必要があるかもしれません。 例えば、中国語、日本語、韓国語、ベトナム語の入力用に、この機能が必要となります。 Ubuntuでは"IBus"が推奨されています。 もし、別のインプットメソッドシステムを使いたいのであれば、まず対応するパッケージをインストールし、その後にここで使用したいシステムを選択して下さい。
The language support files for your selected language seem to be incomplete. You can install the missing components by clicking on "Run this action now" and follow the instructions. An active internet connection is required. If you would like to do this at a later time, please use Language Support instead (click the icon at the very right of the top bar and select "System Settings... -> Language Support").