Translations by Marsel Pretorius
Marsel Pretorius has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1 → 19 of 19 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
1. |
Are you sure you want to close all programs and log out?
2015-08-28 |
Is jy seker jy wil al die programme afsluit en uitteken?
2. |
Some software updates won't be applied until the computer next restarts.
2015-08-28 |
Enkele sagtewarebywerkings sal nie toegepas word tot die rekenaar herlaai nie.
3. |
Log Out
2015-08-28 |
Teken uit
6. |
Are you sure you want to close all programs and restart the computer?
2015-08-28 |
Is jy seker jy wil alle programme afsluit en die rekenaar herlaai?
8. |
Are you sure you want to close all programs and shut down the computer?
2015-08-28 |
Is jy seker jy wil alle programme afsluit en die rekenaar afskakel?
9. |
System, %s
2015-08-28 |
Stelsel, %s
11. |
2015-08-28 |
14. |
About This Computer
2015-08-28 |
Aangaande hierdie rekenaar
16. |
System Settings…
2015-08-28 |
17. |
Online Accounts…
2015-08-28 |
18. |
Start Screen Saver
2015-08-28 |
Skop skermbeveiliger af
19. |
Switch Account…
2015-08-28 |
Wissel rekeninge...
20. |
Switch Account
2015-08-28 |
Wissel rekening
21. |
Lock/Switch Account…
2015-08-28 |
Sluit/wissel rekening...
22. |
Lock/Switch Account
2015-08-28 |
Sluit/wissel rekening
24. |
Guest Session
2015-08-28 |
25. |
Log Out…
2015-08-28 |
Teken uit...
26. |
2015-08-28 |
Skort op
29. |
Shut Down…
2015-08-28 |
Skakel af...