Translations by Juan Sebastián Marulanda
Juan Sebastián Marulanda has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1 → 6 of 6 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
38. |
^Try Ubuntu without installing
2010-02-05 |
^Probar Ubuntu sin instalar
39. |
^Try Kubuntu without installing
2010-02-05 |
^Probar Kubuntu sin instalar
40. |
^Try Edubuntu without installing
2010-02-05 |
^Probar Edubuntu sin instalar
41. |
^Try Xubuntu without installing
2010-02-05 |
^Probar Xubuntu sin instalar
42. |
^Try Ubuntu MID without installing
2010-02-05 |
^Probar Ubuntu MID sin instalar
83. |
^Try Mythbuntu without installing
2010-02-05 |
^Probar Mythbuntu sin instalar