Translations by Guillermo Servera
Guillermo Servera has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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5. |
Boot Options
2008-03-27 |
Opciones de Inicio
6. |
2008-03-27 |
7. |
You are leaving the graphical boot menu and
starting the text mode interface.
2008-03-27 |
Va a proceder a abandonar el modo gráfico de arranque e iniciar la interfaz en modo texto.
32. |
Screen Reader
2008-03-27 |
69. |
OEM install (for manufacturers)
2008-03-27 |
Instalación OEM (para desarrolladores)
73. |
Install a command-line system
2008-03-27 |
Instalar un sistema basado en línea de comandos.
77. |
^Rescue a broken system
2008-03-27 |
^Reparar el sistema
78. |
Test ^memory
2008-03-27 |
Análisis de Memoria