Translations by Ander González

Ander González has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

118 of 18 results
If you do not go back to the partitioning menu and correct this error, the partition will be used as is. This means that you may not be able to boot from your hard disk.
Ez bazara atzera bueltatzen partizio-menura eta akats hau zuzentzen ez baduzu, partizioa erabili izango da dagoen moduan. Honek esan nahi du ezingo duzula hasieratu zure disko gogorretik.
Since you are formatting this partition, you should correct this problem now by realigning the partition, as it will be difficult to change later. To do this, go back to the main partitioning menu, delete the partition, and recreate it in the same position with the same settings. This will cause the partition to start at a point best suited for this disk.
Nola partizio hau formateatzen hari zara, arazo hau zuzentzea komenigarria da partizioa berregokitzen, geroago aldatzea zailagoa izango baita. Hau egiteko, bueltatu partizio-menu nagusira, ezabatu partizioa eta berriro sortu posizio berean ezarpen berdinekin. Honek zure partizioa disko honentzako puntu aproposenean hastea eragingo du.
The device should be specified as a device in /dev. Below are some examples: - "/dev/sda" will install GRUB to the master boot record of your first hard drive; - "/dev/sda2" will use the second partition of your first hard drive; - "/dev/sdc5" will use the first extended partition of your third hard drive; - "/dev/fd0" will install GRUB to a floppy.
Tresna espezifikatzea komeni da "device" bat bezala /dev karpetan. Adibidez: - "/dev/sda" GRUB instalatuko du hasieraketa nagusiaren grabapena zure lehenengo disko gogorrean; - "/dev/sda2" erabiliko du zure lehenengo disko gogorraren bigarren partizioa; - "/dev/sdc5" erabiliko du zure hirugarren disko gogorraren lehenengo partizio luzatuta drive; - "/dev/fd0" GRUB instalatuko du diskete batean.
Amount of volume group to use for guided partitioning:
Bolumen-multzoen kopurua partizio gidatuan erabiltzeko:
You may use the whole volume group for guided partitioning, or part of it. If you use only part of it, or if you add more disks later, then you will be able to grow logical volumes later using the LVM tools, so using a smaller part of the volume group at installation time may offer more flexibility.
Erabil dezakezu bolumen-multzo osoa partizio gidatuan erabiltzeko, edo horren zati bat. Zati bat erabiltzen baduzu, edo beste disko gehitzen badituzu geroago, orduan bolumen logikoak handitu ahalko duzu LVM tresnak erabiliz; hortaz bolumen-multzoaren zati txikiago bat erabiltzen instalazioak malgutasun gehiago izan dezake.
The minimum size of the selected partitioning recipe is ${MINSIZE} (or ${PERCENT}); please note that the packages you choose to install may require more space than this. The maximum available size is ${MAXSIZE}.
Partizio-prozeduraren tamaina minimoa ${MINSIZE} da (edo ${PERCENT}); mesedez kontuan hartu zuk hautatzen dituzun paketeak hori baino espazio gehiago beharko dute. Tamaina maximoa ${MAXSIZE} da.
You entered "${INPUT}", which was not recognized as a valid size.
"${INPUT}" idatzi duzu, baina hau ez da baliozko tamaina bat bezala detektatu.
You asked for ${SIZE} to be used for guided partitioning, but the available space is only ${MAXSIZE}.
${SIZE} partizio gidatu gisa erabiltzeko eskatu duzu, baina ${MAXSIZE} da erabili dezakezun espazioa.
You asked for ${SIZE} to be used for guided partitioning, but the selected partitioning recipe requires at least ${MINSIZE}.
${SIZE} partizio gidatu gisa erabiltzeko eskatu duzu, baina partizio-prozedura behar du ${MINSIZE} gutxienez.
Checking the u-boot file system in partition #${PARTITION} of ${DEVICE}...
U-boot fitxategi sistema arakatzen ${DEVICE}-(r)en #${PARTITION} partizioan...
The test of the file system with type u-boot in partition #${PARTITION} of ${DEVICE} found uncorrected errors.
${DEVICE}-(r)en #${PARTITION} partizioan u-boot mota duen fitxategi sistemaren araketa zenbait akats aurkitu ditu.
The u-boot file system creation in partition #${PARTITION} of ${DEVICE} failed.
U-boot fitxategi sistema sortzean ${DEVICE}-(r)en #${PARTITION} partizioan huts egin du.
No mount point is assigned for the u-boot file system in partition #${PARTITION} of ${DEVICE}.
Ez dago muntaketa puntu egokiturik ${DEVICE}-(r)en #${PARTITION} partizioan u-boot fitxategi sistemarentzako.
u-boot file system
u-boot fitxategia sistema
Your boot partition has not been configured with the u-boot file system. This is needed by your machine in order to boot. Please go back and use the u-boot file system.
Zure hasieraketa-partizioa ez dago konfiguratuta u-boot fitxategi sistema erabiliz. Zure makinak horrela izatea beharko du hasieraketa egiteko. Mesedez, atzerantz bueltatu eta erabili u-boot fitxategi sistema.
Your boot partition is not located on the first primary partition of your hard disk. This is needed by your machine in order to boot. Please go back and use your first primary partition as a boot partition.
Zure hasieraketa-partizioa ez dago disko gogorraren lehenengo partizio primarioan kokatuta. Zure makinak hori beharko du hasieratzeko. Mesedez, atzerantz bueltatu eta erabili zure lehenengo partizio primarioa hasieraketa-partizio gisa.
Your root partition is not a primary partition of your hard disk. This is needed by your machine in order to boot. Please go back and use a primary partition for your root partition.
Zure erro-partizioa ez da zure disko gogorreko partizioa lehen bat. Hau beharrezkoa da zure makina abiarazteko. Mesedez atzera bueltatu eta lehen mailako partizio bat erabili erro-partizioa egiteko.